Reverse Dependencies of scikit-sparse
The following projects have a declared dependency on scikit-sparse:
- bbf — Fast computation of broadband fluxes and mags
- cherab-inversion — Cherab inversion framework
- enterprise-extensions — Extensions, model shortcuts, and utilities for the enterprise PTA analysis framework.
- enterprise-outliers — Outlier analysis
- frosty-dag — Implementation of the FROSTY algorithm
- functionalmf — Bayesian factorization of matrices where every entry is a curve or function rather than a scalar.
- imate — Implicit Matrix Trace Estimator. Computes the trace of functions of implicit matrices. Accelerated on CPU and CUDA-capable GPU devices.
- lapy — A package for differential geometry on meshes (Laplace, FEM)
- lemaitre-bandpasses — A small package to store and distribute the Lemaitre bandpasses
- matrix-decomposition — This library allows to approximate Hermitian (dense and sparse) matrices by positive definite matrices. Furthermore it allows to decompose (factorize) positive definite matrices and solve associated systems of linear equations.
- multidim-galerkin-pod — helper/core functions for Galerkin POD in multiple dimensions
- PTArcade — PTArcade provides an interface to the ENTERPRISE analysis suite and allows for simple implementation of new-physics searches in PTA data.
- pymoto — A modular approach for topology optimization
- pyspde — PySPDE is a Python library for performing simulations and kriging of non-stationary spatial gaussian random fields with Matérn covariance, by solving the following Stochastic Partial Differential Equations (SPDEs)
- sansa — Scalable collaborative filtering model based on sparse approximate inverse
- sn-nacl — Supernova empirical model training package
- theseus-ai — A library for differentiable nonlinear optimization.
- TransportMaps — Tools for the construction of transport maps
- utillib — util functions
- ztfin2p3 — IN2P3 pipeline for the ZTF survey