Reverse Dependencies of scikit-posthocs
The following projects have a declared dependency on scikit-posthocs:
- ABalytics — Advanced A/B Testing Statistical Analytics
- ANCOVA — Package for ANCOVA analysis and visualization.
- brainways — Brainways
- cvanmf — Bi-cross validation of NMF and signature generation and analysis
- domb — DoMB Tools: Python Toolkit of Department of Molecular Biophysics
- ds-toolbox — A ToolBox with daily helpers for the analytical part of a Data Scientist.
- ExMechEva — Evaluation of experimental mechanics data
- fullscript.spellbook — A simple package to make your life easier.
- GenExpA — Comprehensive tool based on the new workflow for qPCR data analysis
- himena-stats — Statistical testing and modeling in himena.
- ILEE-CSK — A high-performance cytoskeleton image analysis platform
- inspigtor — Analysis of physiological parameters taken from pig surgery
- LabGym — Quantify user-defined behaviors.
- latch-plots-helpers — Misc helper functions for Latch plots
- lightcycler — A software for analyzing lightcycler data
- mlaut — Automation of large-scale training, evaluation and benchmarking of machine learning algorithms.
- mousetracker — Analysis of mouse experiments data files
- napari-brainways — Brainways
- peyes — A package for eye tracking data analysis and visualization
- pigcel — Analysis of physiological parameters taken from pig surgery
- pipeGEM — Processing and integrating data with genome-scale metabolic models (GEM)
- py50 — Generate Dose-Response Curves
- py50-streamlit-support — Modified py50 for streamlit use
- pyfinch — A python package for analyzing neural & bioacoustics signals from songbirds
- pyvisstats — Python package for computing and visualizing statistics.
- rsaitehu-stats — Stats utilities
- SAES — Python library designed to analyze and compare the performance of different algorithms across multiple problems using non-parametric statistical tests
- scproximite — no summary
- sktime — A unified Python toolbox for machine learning with time series
- sktime-legacy — scikit-learn compatible toolbox for learning with time series/panel data
- slitflow — A Python framework for single-molecule dynamics and localization analysis
- spatialaudiometrics — For calculating spatial audio metrics
- superviolin — Python CLI to make Violin SuperPlots
- taplib — Python package to make statistical test and add statistical annotations on plots generated with Plotly
- thu-big-data-ml — 这是本人学习清华大学70240403-200大数据机器学习课程的开源工作,包括对往期Assignment的实现、对Lecture的笔记与理解、对即将来的Project的实现等,欢迎各位同学一起学习一起讨论,对知识取得更好的理解。