Reverse Dependencies of scikit-allel
The following projects have a declared dependency on scikit-allel:
- agam-conservation — no summary
- anoexpress — A package to access insecticide resistance gene expression meta analyse in Anopheles mosquitoes
- diplo-locus — Light-weight toolkit for the inference and simulation of Wright-Fisher diploid selection on independent loci from time-series data.
- diploSHIC — diploSHIC
- diploshictest — DiploS/HIC
- dismal — Demographic inference from the distribution of pairwise segregating sites
- divbrowse — A web application for interactive visualization and analysis of genotypic variant matrices
- dnadna — Deep Neural Architecture for DNA
- exp-heatmap — Computing and drawing ExP heatmap for displaying complex cross-population data
- exp-selection — no summary
- flexsweep — no summary
- gadma — A tool for easy-to-use demographic inference
- GenBioX — A package for Genome Analysis
- guido — no summary
- hmtnote — Human mitochondrial variants annotation using HmtVar.
- malariagen-data — A package for accessing and analysing MalariaGEN data.
- neural-admixture — Rapid population clustering with autoencoders
- paircorr — A package for pairplot and corrplot
- pyVMO — A test python toolkit for variant site analysis
- ReLERNN — ReLERNN: Recombination Landscape Estimation using Recurrent Neural Networks
- SNPmatch — A simple python library to identify the most likely strain given the SNPs for a sample
- snputils — Process genomes with ease
- spaceprime — A python package to facilitate spatially explicit coalescent modeling in msprime
- sstar — A Python package for detecting archaic introgression from population genetic data with S*
- Timesweeper — A tool for detecting positive selective sweeps using time-series genomcis data.