Reverse Dependencies of SciencePlots
The following projects have a declared dependency on SciencePlots:
- ark-analysis — Toolbox for analysis on segmented images from MIBI.
- braintools — The Toolbox for Brain Dynamics Programming.
- cdef-risk-matcher — Your package description
- data-iq — Data-IQ: Characterizing subgroups with heterogeneous outcomes in tabular data
- DeSide — A unified DEep-learning and SIngle-cell based DEconvolution method for solid tumors
- eqr — A python package to perform quantile regression with more meaningful epistemic uncertainty estimates through training set augmentation using synthetic data. A blend of discriminative and generative models.
- experimentkit — A toolkit for easily running research experiments
- fracsuite — Package to help analyze fracture patterns on broken glass plys.
- freeplot — a Python data visualization library based on matplotlib
- Fumagalli-Motta-Tarantino-2020 — Implements the models presented in Fumagalli et al. (2020)
- gptchem — Use GPT-3 to solve chemistry problems
- h4rm3l — no summary
- nabqr — NABQR is a method for sequential error-corrections tailored for wind power forecast in Denmark
- network-spatial-coherence — Network Validation using the Spatial Coherence Framework.
- neutrowater — Monte Carlo simulation of neutron moderation
- oetils — A collection of useful functions and classes
- polytex — PolyTex is an open-source toolkit for geometry modeling of fiber tow-based textiles based on volumetric images.
- py2ls — py(thon)2(too)ls
- pyaoa — Python package to automatically analyze objects in external aerodynamic flow for a range of angle-of-attack
- pycaputo — Evaluate fractional integrals and solve fractional ODEs
- pyloggrid — A python library to perform simulations on logarithmic lattices
- pymonke — Tools for creating lab reports and data analysis
- pypolo — A Python Library for Informative Planning and Uncertainty-Aware Learning
- python-allib — A typed Active Learning Library
- pyundergraduate — A package for numerical analysis with python
- QGrain — An easy-to-use software for the comprehensive analysis of grain size distributions
- rotspectools — no summary
- scientific-plots — Useful methods for plots used in science
- scubas — SCUBAS: Submarine Cables Upset by Auroral Streams.
- selfclean — A holistic self-supervised data cleaning strategy to detect off-topic samples, near duplicates and label errors.
- SRLR — A package for sketched ridgeless estimator simulations, optimizing generalization. Identify the best sketching size to minimize out-of-sample risks. Stable risk curves in optimally sketched estimator eliminate peaks found in full-sample estimator. SRLR offers practical method to discover the ideal sketching size.
- tat-pulsar — timing library for high energy Pulsar observation
- torchmetrics — PyTorch native Metrics
- tttplots — Time-to-target Plots
- zfista — A globally convergent fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm with a new momentum factor for single and multi-objective convex optimization