Reverse Dependencies of scholarly
The following projects have a declared dependency on scholarly:
- academic-tracker — Find publications on PubMed, Crossref, ORCID, and Google Scholar for given authors or references.
- academicdb — Database for an academic CV
- AcademiCLI — CLI tool to fetch Google Scholar metrics
- ai-oppose — generating adversarial takes on science claims with openai plus vectorstores
- Auto-Research — Geberate scientific survey with just a query
- autocv — autoCV: An automated CV generator
- bibim — Minimalistic, markdown-based reference manager for computer science research
- biblyser — A bibliometric workflow for evaluating the bib metrics of an individual or group of people
- camel-ai — Communicative Agents for AI Society Study
- citation-map — A simple tool to generate your Google Scholar citation world map.
- CoAuthorNet — A package for analyzing and visualizing university authorship networks
- curategpt — CurateGPT
- easyliter — EasyLiterature is a opensourced, Python-based command line tool for automatic literature management. Simply list the paper titles (or ids) you want to read in a markdown file and it will automatically collect and refine its information in the markdown file, download the pdf to your local machine, and link the pdf to your paper in the markdown file. You can forever keep your notes within the pdfs and mds on your local machine or cloud driver.
- factool — Factuality Detection for Generative AI
- fincept-terminal — A Terminal for Financial Market Analysis and Fetching all kinds of Data.
- gentopia — Gentopia provides extensive utilities to assembles ALM agents driven by configs.
- make-cv — A package to make a faculty c.v. using python and LaTeX
- mcp-scholarly — A MCP server to search for accurate academic articles.
- OpenAlexNetwork — Module to build citation networks with OpenAlex
- paper-per-year — Generate publication per year plots for academic authors
- paperchaser — A tool for downloading academic paper references
- papers-cli — utilities to keep your PDF library organized
- papers-fork — utilities to keep your PDF library organized
- paperscraper — paperscraper: Package to scrape papers.
- pygscholar — Tool for interacting with google scholar
- rcn-py — no summary
- refpapers — refpapers - Manage and search bibliography from the command line
- researcher-papers — A package to fetch and save Google Scholar papers for a given researcher name
- scholar-scraper — A python API to get publications from specific users on Google Scholar.
- scholarpy — A Python package for searching journal publications and researchers
- scihub_dmunozg — Unofficial API for retrieving documents from SciHub
- slh-sh — no summary