Reverse Dependencies of SchemDraw
The following projects have a declared dependency on SchemDraw:
- atom-ml — A Python package for fast exploration of machine learning pipelines
- batterylearn — Python based energy storage simulator
- bfqcircuits — Superconducting circuit quantization
- chcko-r — A random mix of exercises for chcko
- CircuitCalculator — Library for analysing and calculating electric networks.
- EDS-Scikit — eds-scikit is a Python library providing tools to
- eisplottingtool — A tool used to plot EIS data and other battery related data
- impedancefitter — Library for fitting impedance data to equivalent circuit models.
- kilojoule — A convenience package for engineering calculations with a focus on fluids mechanics, thermodynamics, and heat transfer
- pardon — The Data Transformation and Machine Learning Accelerator
- PhasorialCircuit — Circuits simulation in phasorial domain
- pycaret — PyCaret - An open source, low-code machine learning library in Python.
- pycaret-core — PyCaret - An open source, low-code machine learning library in Python.
- pycaret-ni — PyCaret - An open source, low-code machine learning library in Python.
- pyelectrica — Módulo PyElectrica, útil para resolver problemas específicos de Máquinas y Circuitos Eléctricos, así como de Instalaciones Eléctricas
- pyimpspec — A package for parsing, validating, analyzing, and simulating impedance spectra.
- pytc2 — Módulo didáctico para el estudio de Teoría de Circuitos
- radstats — radiation effects system modeling tool
- schemdraw-markdown — Schemdraw Markdown - A simpler way to document simple circuits in markdown.
- splmeter — SPLMeter
- vizelec — Generate drawing and graph of schematic from various files.