Reverse Dependencies of Sanic
The following projects have a declared dependency on Sanic:
- 1942pyc — 24/7 Fortnite Lobbybot With Admin Controls
- 564bff00ff-strawberry-graphql — A library for creating GraphQL APIs
- 667bot — Lobby bot.
- a-data-processing — A library that prepares raw documents for downstream ML tasks.
- ab-data-processing — Data Processing is used for data processing through MinIO, databases, Web APIs, etc.
- abdelrahman-obfuscate — Convo: the AI powered chatbot API 2.0
- abdo — kjdfdlsjlkdfl
- abdo-obfuscate — Obfuscate Convo Test
- abdoconvo — dynamic forms updated
- aclients — 基础封装库
- activitypub-utils — Various classes and functions for ActivityPub servers
- Aerozbot — Lobby bot.
- AerozOff — Lobby bot.
- agt — Modular composable chatbot development
- ai-services — "A simple web framework based on Sanic"
- aichatbot — Python library for building custom AI Chatbot with just one line of code.
- aiocqhttp-sanic — A Python SDK with async I/O for CQHTTP (Based on Sanic).
- AnimeBot — A Multi Action Discord Bot Based On Anime
- AnimeBotPackages — A Multi Action Discord Bot Based On Anime
- AnimeDiscord — A Multi Action Discord Bot Based On Anime
- ansible-api — A restful HTTP API for ansible
- apartment-browser — Backend used by "apartment browser" web extensions
- apoplast — vegan health
- apthesaurus — no summary
- arac — Data Processing is used for data processing through MinIO, databases, Web APIs, etc.
- ark-server-CERTIC — The goal of this software is to offer a solution for a Name Assigning Authority to distribute Archival Resources Keys and maintain basic information about the resources. It offers a database, command-line tools and an HTTP API.
- Arzbot — Lobby bot.
- askbob — A customisable, federated, privacy-safe voice assistant deployable on low-power devices.
- aurelbot — Lobby bot.
- bagpipe — no summary
- banana-server — The banana package is a python client to interact with your machine learning models hosted on Banana
- BECEBOT — The Best Fortnite LOBBYBOT with the latest features
- bettersanic — Sanic with cogs and extensions.
- bf-nlu — no summary
- bf-nlu-banki — no summary
- biotech — A health monitoring stack
- boomerang — An asynchronous Python library for building services on the Facebook Messenger Platform
- brama — API Gateway proxy server with plugins
- bwilBOT — Lobby bot.
- byemail — byemail
- china — description
- cilantro-ee — Lamden Blockchain
- cindybot — The Best Fortnite LOBBYBOT with the latest features
- circe-CERTIC — Circe Server
- circe-ui-CERTIC — Circe Web UI
- cista — Dropbox-like file server with modern web interface
- cmx — long_description
- coco-puppet — Modular composable chatbot development
- coinblockpro — A toy server written in Sanic to mimic an online currency exchange, with a REST and websocket API.
- convo-engine — Convo: the AI powered chatbot API 2.0
- convo-latest — Convo: the AI powered chatbot API 2.0
- convo-n2 — Convo: the AI powered chatbot API 2.0
- convo-new-version-abdo — Convo: the AI powered chatbot API 2.0
- convo-nl2 — Convo: the AI powered chatbot API 2.0
- convo-nlu — Convo: the AI powered chatbot API 2.0
- convo-nlu2 — Convo: the AI powered chatbot API 2.0
- convo-tt — Convo: the AI powered chatbot API 2.0
- convo5 — Convo: the AI powered chatbot API
- convo6 — Convo: the AI powered chatbot API
- convo7 — Convo: the AI powered chatbot API
- convoxxx — Open source machine learning framework to automate text- and voice-based conversations: NLU, dialogue management, connect to Slack, Facebook, and more - Create chatbots and voice assistants
- custom-actions — Sample Package to test things
- cvapirisk — API Specification Analysis for Risks and Compliance
- datasette-core — An instant JSON API for your SQLite databases
- dazu — An engine for chatbots. Inspired by Watson Assistant and Rasa.
- deezload — Song downloading from deezer.
- deployme — minimalistic ML-models auto deployment tool
- deputydev-cli — DeputyDev CLI is an AI-powered coding companion that streamlines software development with four core features: Code Generation to translate natural language into code, Documentation Generation for custom docstrings, Task Planning to structure development steps, and Test Generation for automated unit tests. This tool is designed to reduce development overhead and enhance coding productivity.
- discodo — Audio Player for Discord
- dockerflow — Python tools and helpers for Mozilla's Dockerflow
- docktor — starts n tor docker containers with an api
- docsvault — Web app used to securely version your documents on git
- dopplerr — Subtitle Download Web Service for Sonarr
- douya — no summary
- dserver — no summary
- easybotfn — A free lobbybot coded in python.
- EasyFNTest — no summary
- elastic-apm — The official Python module for Elastic APM
- elasticsearch-comrade — Elasticsearch admin panel built for ops and monitoring
- elfebot — Lobby bot.
- elpepe — el pepe
- entrance — Server framework for web apps
- epivizFileServer — A python library to interact, explore and compute data directly from genomic files.
- ethereumd-proxy — Proxy client-server for Ethereum node using JSON-RPC interface.
- Euphoria — vegan health
- eventy — Qotto/eventy
- EWANBIT — Lobby bot.
- EWANBOT — Lobby bot.
- executionbackup — An Ethereum execution client switcher
- ezfnSetup — no summary
- ezfnTestingfranedit — no summary
- factory_farm — The automated cybentic herb harvest factory of plantary towns yet to be established.
- facture — Framework for building Web APIs using asyncio
- fastopenapi — FastOpenAPI is a library for generating and integrating OpenAPI schemas using Pydantic.
- feeluown — *nix music player
- filebase-api — A simple web api builder for python apps. Integrates Jinja templates, fileserver and websockets.
- fish-hook — A console tool which manages your github webhooks efficiently.
- flashlight — The Visualization Tool For ONNX
- FLOBOT — Lobby bot.
- FlowerPower — A simple workflow framework. Hamilton + APScheduler = FlowerPower