Reverse Dependencies of safety
The following projects have a declared dependency on safety:
- pytest-helm-templates — Pytest fixtures for unit testing the output of helm templates
- pytest-rts — Coverage-based regression test selection (RTS) plugin for pytest
- python-starters — Python Starters
- pyupio — A tool to update all your projects requirements
- PyUpyog — A collection of various common Python utilities.
- ql-cq — Code quality checker
- qstone — Benchmarking suite for Quantum Computers integration into HPC Systems
- quackamollie — Run on your computer your own Telegram LLM chatbot using Ollama backed by models with Langchain or Llama-Index
- quackamollie-core — Core component of the Quackamollie Telegram chat bot
- quackamollie-devtools — Development tools for the command line interface (CLI) of Quackamollie Telegram chat bot
- quackamollie-langchain-model-manager — Model manager compatible with Langchain models for Quackamollie Telegram chat bot
- quackamollie-llama-index-model-manager — Model manager compatible with Llama-Index models for Quackamollie Telegram chat bot
- quackamollie-model-langchain-simple — Simple Langchain model based on Ollama using Langchain model manager for Quackamollie Telegram chat bot
- quackamollie-model-llama-index-simple — Simple Llama-Index model based on Ollama using Llama-Index model manager for Quackamollie Telegram chat bot
- quackamollie-ollama-model-manager — Model manager compatible with Ollama models through Ollama API for Quackamollie Telegram chat bot
- rabbit-tunnel — Publish your local server to public via rabbit-tunnel
- rabbit-tunnel-server — A server for rabbit tunnel
- redlibssh — Alternate bindings for libssh C library
- redlibssh2 — Alternate bindings for libssh2 C library
- redssh — An SSH automation library.
- reqless — Redis-based Queue Management
- rijksplotlib — A datavizualization compliance library for RWS Datalab
- rws-knmi-lib — Library voor communicatie met KNMI weer data.
- rws-waterinfo — no summary
- safety-django — safety-django checks your installed dependencies for known security vulnerabilities and displays them in the admin area.
- satindex — This package calculates several indexes based onn multiband satellite images.
- scifit — Scientific Fit for Python
- scikit-base — Base classes for sklearn-like parametric objects
- security-check — Execute safety check with cvss scores
- sentineltoolbox — no summary
- service-oriented — Toolkit for building service oriented applications in python
- shouldi — Meta static analysis tool for Python packages
- simplesecurity — Combine multiple popular python security tools and generate reports or output into different formats
- skbase — Base classes for sklearn-like parametric objects
- slo-generator — SLO Generator
- snekchek — Linter/formatter/test-tool wrapper for python modules
- so-pip — Generate packages from Stackoverflow answers
- soundcloudpy — Client for async connection to the Soundcloud api.
- stockpiler — Backup Network Device Configurations
- superstate — Robust statechart for configurable automation rules.
- Swachh — Python based PC Cleaner & Tuner
- syft — Perform numpy-like analysis on data that remains in someone elses server
- tc66c2mqtt — Sends MQTT events from TC66C device
- tinkerforge2mqtt — Emit MQTT events from Tinkerforge devices
- tmp-fat-pdocs — A simple program and library to auto generate API documentation for Python modules.
- tmp-fat-portray — Your Project with Great Documentation
- todolist-Telecom — Bibliothèque pour gérer des tâches et des listes de tâches
- tomte — A library that wraps many useful tools (linters, analysers, etc) to keep Python code clean, secure, well-documented and optimised.
- transparentai — Python tool to create or inspect a transparent and ethical AI.
- valiant — Audit tool to help investigate Python dependencies
- vyd-coala-bears — Bears for coala (Code Analysis Application)
- wily — A Python application for tracking, reporting on timing and complexity in tests and applications.
- wiremind-kubernetes — Helper for Kubernetes.
- wwarhead38-coala-bears — Bears for coala (Code Analysis Application)
- xiwa-modules — xiwa modules for tool creator
- yala — Yet Another Linter Aggregator
- zarr-eosdis-store — Zarr Store class for working with EOSDIS cloud data