Reverse Dependencies of ruff-lsp
The following projects have a declared dependency on ruff-lsp:
- aiodocker — A simple Docker HTTP API wrapper written with asyncio and aiohttp.
- aiommost — Mattermost client
- aiotools — Idiomatic asyncio utilities
- ambivalent — Minimal, beautiful (+ highly-customizable) styles for Matplotlib.
- ampere-meter — Tooling to track and visualize engagement with the mrpowers-io organization
- buildrunner — Docker-based build tool
- callosum — Callosum RPC Library
- catalystcoop.pudl — An open data processing pipeline for US energy data
- clophfit — Cli for fitting macromolecule pH titration or binding assays data e.g. fluorescence spectra.
- data-annalist — Audit trail generator for data processing scripts.
- django-project-base — Everything revolves around it: users, roles, permissions, tags, etc.
- dMO — A package for learning cutting planes for mixed-integer optimization problems.
- DynamicForms — DynamicForms performs all the visualisation & data entry of your DRF Serializers & ViewSets and adds some candy of its own
- fastapi-async-sql — Common utilities for Async SQL FastAPI applications
- graphene-mlx — Neural Network Trainer for MLX
- hydrobot — A suite of processing tools for Hilltop hydrological data.
- invokeai — An implementation of Stable Diffusion which provides various new features and options to aid the image generation process
- kettlebells — A CLI tool to create, save, and track progress of kettlebell workouts.
- mngs — For lazy python users (monogusa people in Japanse), especially in ML/DSP fields
- nima — Numerical IMage Analyses.
- nima-io — A project to read microscopy files.
- nodeps — Python helpers and utilities with no dependencies
- OpenFisca-Core — A versatile microsimulation free software
- OpenFisca-Country-Template — OpenFisca Rules as Code model for Country-Template.
- OpenFisca-Extension-Template — An OpenFisca extension that adds some variables to an already-existing tax and benefit system.
- primap2 — The next generation of the PRIMAP climate policy analysis suite.
- pths — pth install class
- sqladaptor — Starting adaptor for JSON/Pandas to SQL db
- stocklake — no summary
- wagtailmeili — A Meilisearch backend for Wagtail CMS