Reverse Dependencies of rtoml
The following projects have a declared dependency on rtoml:
- aaa1111 — An Api for Automatic1111
- alertmanagermeshtastic — A proxy to forward messages received via HTTP to MESHTASTIC
- azureml-metrics — Contains the ML and non-Azure specific common code associated with AzureML metrics.
- brood — A flexible concurrent command runner.
- bundlewrap — Config management with Python
- caliscope — GUI based multicamera calibration that integrates with 2D landmark tracking to triangulate 3D landmark positions
- cbrkit — Customizable Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) toolkit for Python with a built-in API and CLI
- changelog-gen — Changelog generation tool
- diot — Python dictionary with dot notation.
- dr-proxima — Transcode source media in DaVinci Resolve using multiple machines. Great for quickly creating proxies without interrupting work.
- effectual — A python package/script bundler
- freezerbox — Database of DNA sequences.
- Fused — no summary
- gigacommitai — CLI инструмент для генерации коммитов на основе ИИ
- gild — App building plugins for Enaml based plugin applications
- github-changelog-md — Generate a Markdown Changelog from your Github repository.
- gogadget — gogadget is a toolkit for producing immersion and priming materials for language learning. It is capable of downloading audio and video files, automatically transcribing subtitles from videos and podcasts, and automatically producing filtered Anki decks with sentence audio / translations / screenshots / definitions.
- hdl-registers — An open-source HDL register interface code generator fast enough to run in real time
- httpfpt — 基于 HTTP 请求的快速数据驱动 pytest 接口自动化测试框架
- kwonfig — Complete, extensible configuration manager
- limberer — A flexible document generator based on weasyprint, mustache templates, and pandoc.
- LogseqMarkdownParser — parse logseq markdown text with easy access to properties, hierarchy, TODO etc
- MaLTHA — MaLTHA works as a static site generator that use Markdown format with TOML/HTML hybrid annotation.
- manim-slides — Tool for live presentations using manim
- mini-LiTOY — Minimalist LiTOY task sorting algorithm based on ELO scores
- mrchef — Metarepo Chef
- multiwebcam — Record synchronized webcam footage
- neosctl — NEOS Core CLI
- netts — Toolbox for constructing NETworks of Transcript Semantics.
- networkx — Python package for creating and manipulating graphs and networks
- neutrapy — Command line tool for build a desktop app using neutralinojs and python
- nipy — A python package for analysis of neuroimaging data
- nonebot-plugin-datastore — 适用于 Nonebot2 的数据存储插件
- nonebot-plugin-moegoe — VITS AI合成原神角色语音
- pbite — `ls` for project metadata
- pelican-search — Pelican plugin that indexes content and enables static site searches
- persoonallisuus — Personality (Finnish: persoonallisuus) - who am I currently and how should I behave?
- pinkmess — A simple PKMS manager for lazy people.
- plotnine-prism — Prism themes for plotnine, inspired by ggprism
- poetry-plugin-check-yanked — A Poetry plugin to check for 'yanked' packages in the poetry.lock file.
- pogo_migrate — Database migration tool for asyncpg
- py-awesome-scripts — Awesome python script tools.
- pyproject-maker — A command line app to create a Python project skeleton.
- pyswtools — Set of tools to improve Solidworks usage
- python-simpleconf — Simple configuration management with python.
- pytoil — CLI to automate the development workflow.
- pyvarium — Tool for managing mixed Spack and pip packages
- pyxy3d — GUI based multicamera calibration that integrates with 2D landmark tracking to triangulate 3D landmark positions
- readfish — ONT adaptive sampling
- schemantic — Manipulate model schemas utilizing homologous, grouped, or cultured paradigms
- sigye — (시계) A simple command-line program for tracking time.
- simple-toml-settings — A Python library to save your settings in a TOML file.
- start-manager — A python package manager based on pip and venv
- stepwise — Wetlab protocols that follow the Unix philosophy.
- stepwise_mol_bio — Protocols relating to molecular biology, e.g. PCR.
- syslog2irc — Forward syslog messages to IRC
- toml-bench — Benchmarking for python toml libraries
- tool-llama — Open source library of large model usage tools.(开源大模型使用工具的库.)
- tsfpga — A flexible and scalable development platform for modern FPGA projects
- wdoc — A perfect AI powered RAG for document query and summary. Supports ~all LLM and ~all filetypes (url, pdf, epub, youtube (incl playlist), audio, anki, md, docx, pptx, oe any combination!)
- Weitersager — A proxy to forward messages received via HTTP to IRC