Reverse Dependencies of RPi.GPIO
The following projects have a declared dependency on RPi.GPIO:
- actionpi — Action/Dash camera powered by Raspberry Pi Zero
- ADS1219-lib — Lib to use ADS1219 with Python on Raspberry
- aerismodsdk — no summary
- agro-kit — An API to facilitate interaction with an agriculture tech sensor kit.
- AgroClient — A Client module for Agrothon
- aicoe-donkeycar — Self driving library for python.
- aiy-projects-python — AIY Python API
- athenapi — AI Agent on Raspberry Pi
- automate — General purpose Python automatization library with nifty real-time web UI
- aw9523b — a library for raspberry pi gpio extend using aw9523b
- being — Robotic core for the PATHOS project.
- blinkt — Python library for driving Pimoroni Blinkt!
- Bluetin-Echo — Raspberry Pi Python Library for Ultrasonic Module HC-SR04 Distance Measuring Transducer.
- bluetooth-2-usb — Convert a Raspberry Pi into a HID relay translating Bluetooth keyboard and mouse input to USB.
- boilr-pv — Water boiler automation with a Fronius pv inverter on a Raspberry Pi.
- brokkr — A client for data ingest/logging/uplink, remote management and autonomous and central control of scientific IoT sensors as part of the Mjolnir system.
- callattendant — An automated call attendant and call blocker using a Raspberry Pi and USR-5637 modem
- camguard — camguard - home surveillance system
- canano — Python library for Canano Raspberry Pi add-on board
- cap1xxx — A module to drive various Microchip cap1xxx touch ICs
- chirimbolito — A Bitcoin address monitoring tool built with a Raspberry Pi and a LCD display
- cl57t-raspberry-pi-stepper-drive — this is a Python libary to drive a stepper motor with a CL57T stepper driver and a Raspberry Pi
- co2monitor — See the current co2 emissions per kWh of electricity in the Netherlands
- daiego43-rasptank — This is a clearer implementation of a library to interact with the Adeept rasptank robot. Pins are hardcoded
- DarkMute — Mute snapcast client playing on raspi3
- dencam — Code for MiniDencam: Polar bear maternal den observation system.
- DesignSpark.ESDK — DesignSpark ESDK support library
- dht11 — Pure Python library for reading DHT11 sensor on Raspberry Pi
- dip-coater — no summary
- displayhatmini — Python library for the displayhatmini 320x240 LCD with buttons and RGB
- donkeycar — Self driving library for python.
- DoorPi — provide intercomstation to the doorstation by VoIP
- dxl-control — Dynamixel control with Raspberry Pi
- dyna-gsm-module — GSM modules required for dynaslope 3 project
- easyaspi — A module intended to abstract away a lot of the complexity of using the GPIO and PiCamera for beginner programmers.
- EBRPIH1118 — A Python package to interface with the board, and control relays, digital inputs/outputs, and analog inputs on Raspberry Pi.
- einkd — A daemon and library for displaying images on e-ink displays.
- einky — Inky pHAT Driver
- enerpi — AC Current Meter for Raspberry PI with GPIOZERO and MCP3008
- envirophat — Enviro pHAT environmental sensor board driver
- epd-library — e-paper for raspberry pi (Waveshare e-paper)
- epd2in13 — 2.13inch e-Paper HAT - Implements for e-paper library
- epdif — EPD hardware interface implements (GPIO, SPI)
- epdlib — library for creating dynamic layouts for frame-buffered devices
- es100-wwvb — WWVB 60Khz Full functionality receiver/parser for i2c bus based ES100-MOD receiver
- eurekaroom — A command-processor and RESTful server for use in escapenodes on RaspberryPi systems.
- fand — Simple daemon to control fan speed
- feagi-agent-freenove — Feagi agent freenove to connect feagi with your freenove_smartcar.
- feagi-connector-freenove — Feagi agent freenove to connect feagi with your freenove_smartcar.
- flipdigitclock — Flip digit clock library
- Floppi-Music — Crazily advanced floppy music player for Raspberry Pi
- garagedoor_service — Garagedoor Service to drive a Chamberlain-style garage door opener using a Raspberry Pi
- gdey075z08-driver — Driver library to GDEY075Z08 e-paper display
- goplus-py — Python SDK for GOPLUSPLATFORM
- gpio-button — A simple package to handle button input using RPi.GPIO
- gpiooutputtest — Individually test the given GPIO output pins
- gpiowrapper — A gpio wrapper library
- gpiozero-shiftregister — Control shift register on rasperypi using gpiozero library
- grovepi — Drivers for using the GrovePi+ in Python
- hasspad — no summary
- heatcontrol — no summary
- Hector9000 — Fancy barbot with lots of needless features and ...of course... WiFi and a bunch of blinky LEDs
- hedgehog-platform — Hedgehog Platform abstractions
- hedgehog-server — Hedgehog Robot Controller Server
- hifiberrydsp — HiFiBerry DSP toolkit
- hygro-premium-sp-server — Unofficial EasyHome Hygro PremiumSP speed controller via exposed web and REST API
- icfs — Library create and manage file system at I2C EEPROM ICs.
- inky-pi — Top-level package for inky-pi.
- inkyphat — Inky pHAT Driver
- iotbit-library — Library to work with the IoTBit Industrial version on the Raspberry Pi
- JupyterPiDAQ — Live Data Acquisition in Jupyter notebooks
- kubeleds — monitor kubernetes clusters using adafruit neopixels
- langmuir-trough — Controls and collects data from Gutow Lab Langmuir Trough.
- lcd-tools — lcd-tools expands upon the RPLCD library to provide short-cut commands for various LCD Display control options.
- lcd1602gpio — Use HD44780-compatible 16x2 LCD module via RPi.GPIO
- LightBerries — A wrapper for rpi_ws281x that does all the heavy lifting for you.
- limalight — A flexible display library for the Limonada Journaling Project, supporting both OLED hardware and terminal output.
- LoRaRF — Python library used for basic transmitting and receiving data using LoRa modem
- LoRathon — A LoRa commiunication package
- luma.core — A component library to support SBC display drivers
- mfrc522 — A library to integrate the MFRC522 RFID readers with the Raspberry Pi
- mlx90632-driver — Python library for MLX90632
- mlx9064x-driver — Python library for MLX90640-41
- mmcb-avt — ATLAS ITK Pixels Multi-Module Cycling Box environmental monitoring/control
- motephat — Python library for driving Pimoroni Mote pHAT
- mygpio — GPIO Library which extends GPIO functions
- ncuphy — A Raspberry Pi Python project for educational use.
- neopolitan — Neopolitan: a library for displaying text on LED boards
- nightskycam-focus — focusing nightskycam zwo-asi cameras
- nimRum — Nimble Rumble, a library to play wireless(WiFi) sound in perfect synch, for private use and evaluation
- noticeboard — Python code for a smart noticeboard
- ohmyoled — 64x32 Oled Matrix Display
- Oilele — Comic book visualizer
- onoffmonitordevice — Monitor the on/off status of devices and report to the server
- openhub — An open source iOT controller.
- openoligo — An open-source platform for programmatically interacting with and managing Nucleic acid sequences synthesis processes.
- openpibo-python — openpibo-python package.
- ovos-phal-plugin-ww-led — A plugin to turn a LED on when a wakeword is detected
- papertty — Python module to render a TTY or VNC on e-ink
- phatbeat — Python library for driving Pimoroni pHAT BEAT!