Reverse Dependencies of roifile
The following projects have a declared dependency on roifile:
- acia — The acia library provides utility functionality for analyzing 2D+t time-lapse image sequences in microfluidic live-cell imaging experiments.
- batoolset — An aggregate of functions I find useful
- Cellamander — A package for combining Cellpose gradients for cell phenotyping
- cellphe — CellPhe: Toolkit for cell phenotyping from time-lapse videos
- cellpose — anatomical segmentation algorithm
- cellpose-plus — cell segmenetation framework based on cellpose
- cellsium — CellSium – Cell Simulator for microfluidic microcolonies
- cgohlke — Install all packages by cgohlke
- deepd3 — A tool for segmenting dendrites and dendritic spines.
- dextrusion — DeXtrusion: automatic detection of cell extrusion in epithelial tissu
- epicure — Napari plugin to manually correct epithelia segmentation in movies
- epyseg — A deep learning based tool to segment epithelial tissues. The epyseg GUI can be uesd to build, train or run custom networks
- findmycells — An end-to-end bioimage analysis pipeline with state-of-the-art tools for non-coding experts
- impy-array — Speed up coding/extending image analysis in Python.
- napari-annotatorj — The napari adaptation of the ImageJ/Fiji plugin AnnotatorJ for easy image annotation.
- napari-bacseg — Bacterial segmentation and analysis platform than can inport/export files in multiple formats. Integrating many tools such as Cellpose, ColiCoords, Oufti/MicrobeTracker.
- napari-filaments — A napari plugin for filament analysis
- neura-library — Utility tools for system neuroscience research, including Open Source Wrapper or Parser
- neuralactivitycubic — Computation of local and signal-close-to-noise calcium activity
- neuroimage_denoiser — no summary
- numena — Image Processing and Analysis toolbox package
- polony — no summary
- pyfigures — PyFigures will assist you assemble publication ready scientific figures in no time.
- tifffile — Read and write TIFF files
- tllab-common — Common code for the Lenstra lab.