Reverse Dependencies of robotpy-wpiutil
The following projects have a declared dependency on robotpy-wpiutil:
- pyntcore — Binary wrappers for the FRC ntcore library
- robotpy — Meta package to make installing robotpy easier
- robotpy-apriltag — RobotPy bindings for WPILib's AprilTag library
- robotpy-cscore — RobotPy bindings for cscore image processing library
- robotpy-hal — Binary wrapper for FRC HAL
- robotpy-halsim-gui — WPILib command framework
- robotpy-navx — Python wrapper for KauaiLabs NavX sensor
- robotpy-pathplannerlib — Python implementation of PathPlannerLib
- robotpy-playingwithfusion — PlayingWithFusion for RobotPy
- robotpy-urcl — Python wrapper for FRC Team 6328's URCL library
- robotpy-wpimath — Binary wrapper for FRC WPIMath library
- robotpy-wpinet — Binary wrapper for FRC wpinet library
- wpilib — Binary wrapper for FRC WPILib