Reverse Dependencies of rioxarray
The following projects have a declared dependency on rioxarray:
- aa-toolbox — Toolbox for anticipatory action
- abses — ABSESpy makes it easier to build artificial Social-ecological systems with real GeoSpatial datasets and fully incorporate human behaviour.
- aggfly — Efficient spatial and temporal aggregation of gridded climate data
- arraylake — Python client for ArrayLake
- ashdisperse — Steady state advection-diffusion-sedimentation solver for volcanic ash dispersion
- AST-data-eng — Data engineering for large scale geospatial datasets
- bandsos — .. danger::
- BERATools — An advanced forest line feature analysis platform
- birdhouse-birdy — Birdy provides a command-line tool to work with Web Processing Services.
- blackmarblepy — Georeferenced Rasters of Nighttime Lights from NASA Black Marble data
- bmi-geotiff — Access data and metadata in a GeoTIFF file through an API or a BMI
- bmi-topography — Fetch and cache land elevation data from OpenTopography
- bpnsdata — A package to add marine environmental data to a geopandas dataframe
- ceda-datapoint — DataPoint provides python-based search/access tools for using data primarily from the CEDA Archive.
- CellAutDisp — no summary
- centum — A Python package for water accounting using energy and water balance modeling.
- cerf — An open-source geospatial Python package for assessing and analyzing future electricity technology capacity expansion feasibility.
- cgls-cpe — This package is in the cgls cloud processing environment
- cht-sfincs — no summary
- climada-petals — CLIMADA Extensions in Python
- climatePy — A Python package for getting point and gridded climate data by AOI.
- climdex-kit — Tool for multi-scenario calculation, publishing, and analysis of indices from 3D time-series of climate projections.
- climpy — Tools to analyse climate data for machine learning and event analysis
- cmfd-handler — no summary
- coastpy — Python tools for cloud-native coastal analytics.
- coclico — Python tools for Coastal Climate Core Services
- coincident — Search and analysis of STV Precursor Coincident Datasets
- copro — Python-model build on scikit-learn functions, designed to facilitate the set-up, execution, and evaluation of machine-learning models for the study of the climate-conflict nexus.
- crl-datacube — Utilities for scaling geospatial analyses
- cropclassification — Package to classify crops based on sentinel images.
- cryogrid-pytools — Tools to read in CryoGrid MATLAB data to Python and create forcing data
- cryoswath — Swath processing toolbox for CryoSat-2
- cyfi — Estimate cyanobacteria density in small, inland water bodies using Sentinel-2 satellite imagery.
- damagescanner — Direct damage assessments for natural hazards
- dea-tools — Functions and algorithms for analysing Digital Earth Australia data.
- deafrica-tools — Functions and algorithms for analysing Digital Earth Africa data.
- deepsardl — This is a main package for processeing data for DeepSAR
- duck-dataset — A thin wrapper for tool-spec created Duckdb datasets
- earthkit-data — A format-agnostic Python interface for geospatial data
- earthnet-minicuber — EarthNet Minicuber
- earthscale — Earthscale CLI
- earthstat — EarthStat Library
- easysnowdata — package to easily get data relevant to snow
- ecodatatk — Developed for limnological and hydrological studies
- elwood — An open source dataset transformation, standardization, and normalization python library.
- environmental-risk-metrics — Calculate environmental risk metrics for a given polygon
- eo-validation — Collaborative validation tools for remote sensing imagery
- eodag-cube — Data access for EODAG
- EOmaps — A library to create interactive maps of geographical datasets.
- eopf — Earth Observation Platform Core Python Modules
- eoreader — Remote-sensing opensource python library reading optical and SAR constellations, loading and stacking bands, clouds, DEM and spectral indices in a sensor-agnostic way.
- eosets — This library aims to simplify any process working with different sets of EO data handled by EOReader.
- eotransform-xarray — Implements transformations on xarray data structures, to be used with eotransform streamed_process.
- epigraphhub — Epigraphhub Python package
- expden — Library to compute the experienced density
- FanInSAR — A fantastic InSAR processing library, in a more pythonic way, to accelerate your InSAR processing workflow.
- fastfuels-core — Core algorithms for the FastFuels project
- fcpgtools — Tools to create Flow-Conditioned Parameter Grids (FCPGs) from Flow Direction Rasters (FDRs) and arbitrary rasterized parameter data.
- flipnslide — A concise Python package to preprocess large scientific images for use with GPUs.
- ftw-tools — Fields of The World (FTW) Command Line Interface (CLI) for data management, ML processing, and more.
- gdal-dask-reproject — no summary
- gdptools — Gdptools
- geb — GEB simulates the environment, the individual behaviour of people, households and organizations - including their interactions - at small and large scale.
- geefcc — Forest cover change from Google Earth Engine
- geemap — A Python package for interactive mapping using Google Earth Engine and ipyleaflet
- gemgis — Spatial data processing for geomodeling
- geo-inference — Extract features from geospatial imagery using deep learning models
- geocube — Tool to convert geopandas vector data into rasterized xarray data.
- geodata-harvester — An automation tool for harvesting and processing geodata from the web
- geodata-re — Geospatial Data Collection and Pre-Analysis Tools
- geofabrics — A package for creating geofabrics for flood modelling.
- geokube — a Python package based on xarray for GeoScience Data Analysis
- geomanager — Wagtail based Geospatial Data Manager
- geopre — no summary
- geopreprova — no summary
- geopreprova1 — no summary
- geopreprova2 — no summary
- geopreprova3 — no summary
- geospatial — A Python package for installing commonly used packages for geospatial analysis and data visualization with only one command.
- geospatial-analysis-environment — Geospatial analysis environment.
- geost — The Python interface for geological point data in The Netherlands
- geoutils — Analysis and handling of georeferenced rasters and vectors
- gishndev — Desc
- glam-processing — no summary
- goes-ortho — A python package for downloading GOES-R ABI imagery, orthorectifying with a DEM, and creating timeseries
- goes2repro — A package to download and process GOES-16/17 data
- goesgcp — A package to download and process GOES-16/17 data
- google-weather-tools — Apache Beam pipelines to make weather data accessible and useful.
- gregor — A library for spatial aggregation and disaggregation
- gridmarthe — python package to read/write/manage Marthe Grids
- GRSdriver — Driver for L1C satellite images dedicated to GRS processor
- gspatial-plot — A geospatial plotting library built on top of geopandas.
- gspatial-tools — Set of utility tools built on top of Geopandas, Xarray, Rasterio and Rioxarray
- gspy — Data handling
- gval — Flexible, portable, and efficient geospatial evaluations for a variety of data.
- hazelbean — Collection of geospatial algorithms, parallel computation utilities and project management tools.
- hecstac — Create stac objects and metadata from HEC modeling software.
- hf-hydrodata — hydroframe tools and utilities
- honeybees — Honeybees is an agent-based modelling framework targeted at large-scale agent-based models.
- hvplot — A high-level plotting API for the PyData ecosystem built on HoloViews.