Reverse Dependencies of rich
The following projects have a declared dependency on rich:
- wallaroo — model management API client
- wallhaven-dl — Download wallpaper from
- wallpaper_fetcher — A python script to automatically fetch and apply the daily Bing wallpaper on Linux, Mac or Windows.
- wand-ai-client — Wand AI API client
- wand-cli — A cli tool with an in-place terminal editor to compile over 27 languages instantly using the wandbox api.
- wandarr — A ffmpeg transcoding workflow engine with clustered host support
- wandb — A CLI and library for interacting with the Weights & Biases API.
- wandbtocsv — Export summary metrics and config from runs as a csv file from a project
- wanglaoshi — A utility module for DA and ML and DL tasks
- wanna-ml — CLI tool for managing ML projects on Vertex AI
- wappscan — Scan web apps from your code.
- wappstorest — Simple Wappsto Python user-interface to Wappsto Rest
- ward — A modern Python testing framework
- waretomo — Overengineered batch processing script for tomography data with Warp and aretomo.
- warg-shell — DigitalOcean Warg - SSH-like connection to DigitalOcean PaaS console
- Warnet — Monitor and analyze the emergent behaviours of bitcoin networks
- warp-tm-vis — Visualize template matching results from WarpTools
- warpcoreai — Let language models run code.
- warriors-leaderboard — Watch ArchiveTeam Warrior leaderboards on the command line
- watchgha — Watch GitHub action runs
- WaveFormer — A single unified Advanced Audio Processing toolkit, that provides both High-Level and Low-Level approaches to its extensive collection of tools.
- waybacktweets — Retrieves archived tweets CDX data from the Wayback Machine, performs necessary parsing, and saves the data.
- wb-aicli — A copy-cat version of Samuel Colvin's aicli implemented with Mirascope and Typer
- wbsurfer2 — CLI tool for making CIFTI-related movies
- wcgw — Shell and coding agent on claude and chatgpt
- wcgw-agent — Shell and coding agent on claude and chatgpt - now with Windows support
- wcgw-linux-compatible-fork — Shell and coding agent on claude and chatgpt
- wcheck — Manage a workspace of git repositories
- wchk — A command line tool to check the status web pages.
- wdig-cli — Where Did It Go?
- wdoc — A perfect AI powered RAG for document query and summary. Supports ~all LLM and ~all filetypes (url, pdf, epub, youtube (incl playlist), audio, anki, md, docx, pptx, oe any combination!)
- wearipedia — Wearable data for all
- weather-command — Command line weather app
- weatherify — A simple weather forecasting CLI tool
- weatherpyx — A simple and intuitive OpenWeatherMap API wrapper with CLI interface
- weave — A toolkit for building composable interactive data driven applications.
- weavearc — weavearc is a lightweight, comprehensive framework that empowers developers to create robust, maintainable applications. By adhering to clean architecture principles and domain-driven design (DDD) patterns, weavearc provides the foundational building blocks needed for scalable, flexible, and easily testable backends. Simplify the complex and build with confidence across any architecture.
- weaviate-agents — The official sub-package for the Weaviate Agents project.
- web-ext-helper — An awesome CLI for building, publishing and running web extensions.
- web-grabber — A powerful CLI tool for crawling websites and downloading content including HTML, images, and videos. Features multiple browsing modes including normal requests, Selenium for JavaScript rendering, and camoufox for anti-bot protection.
- web-research-agent — An intelligent AI agent for web-based research tasks
- web2dataset — no summary
- webcam-filters — Add filters (background blur, etc) to your webcam on Linux
- webcap — An ultra-lightweight web screenshot tool written in Python
- webchatgpt — Reverse Engineering of ChatGPT Web-Version
- webduino-generator — Python program to automatically generate source code for an arduino web server
- webhawk — Web Recon Framework
- webhook-utils — Short, well documented utilities for interacting with webhooks.
- webknossos — Python API for working with WEBKNOSSOS datasets, annotations, and for WEBKNOSSOS server interaction.
- weblaze — no summary
- webology — My pypi/pipx card 🤗
- webscout — Search for anything using Google, DuckDuckGo,, Contains AI models, can transcribe yt videos, temporary email and phone number generation, has TTS support, webai (terminal gpt and open interpreter) and offline LLMs and more
- websockets-cli — A simple yet powerful websocket cli
- webtoon_downloader — A fast scrapper âš¡ for downloading comics from the Webtoons platform.
- webtoonscraper — Scraping webtoons with ease
- webull-options — no summary
- webx — A next-generation ASGI Python web-framework, focused on Speed and Stability
- wedding — Drawings of the wedding and fields.
- weeknotebot — A bot for generate WeekNote for Hugo
- weight-training-tracker — A simple CLI-based app for tracking weight training.
- wellcode-cli — Engineering Metrics Analysis Tool
- wemulate — A modern WAN Emulator
- weni-cli — no summary
- wfdemo — python for office
- wfiuh — Curve fitting width function IUH (WFIUH) in Hydrology
- wg-config — no summary
- wg-meshconf — A tool that helps you to generate peer configuration files for WireGuard mesh networks
- wgscovplot — Create interactive comparative sequencing coverage plots from virus sequencing data.
- wgt — Command line tool for quick API testing
- whaler — no summary
- whatdat — The whatdat module
- wheel2deb — Python wheel to debian package converter
- wheelsmith — A utility tool for building and publishing Python packages to PyPI
- wheke — A cute framework for small self-hosted apps
- when-cli — When CLI is a timezone conversion tool. It takes as input a natural time string, can also be a time range, and converts it into different timezone(s) at specific location(s).
- WhipPyWeb — Add your description here
- whisper-mic — Whisper for your microphone
- whisper-mps — with Apple MPS support for OpenAI Whisper
- whisper-s2t — An Optimized Speech-to-Text Pipeline for the Whisper Model.
- whisperbox — WhisperBox - Record and transcribe audio with ease
- whisply — Transcribe, translate, annotate and subtitle audio and video files with OpenAI's Whisper ... fast!
- whiteduck — Add your description here
- whoau — Have any questions? Take a moment to find out!
- whut — A CLI tool to instantly search the internet using Google Generative AI in a decluttered manner.
- wiederverwendbar — A collection of scripts, classes and tools they are \"wiederverwendbar\".
- wikiluv — Wikipedia at your fingertips
- wikitrad — no summary
- winzig — A tiny search engine for personal use.
- wip-manager — A CLI tool to manage wip branch with automated commit and merge
- wipeout — Tooling for debugging later
- wiredtiger-debug-tools — Collections of tools to debug and analyze MongoDB WiredTiger files
- wisest — no summary
- wisteria — Python serializers comparisons
- wixp_lib — Created for convenience
- wizard-prompt-cli — A CLI tool for building and running magical LLM prompts
- wizmusic — wiz spotify light
- wkafka — Pipeline con API para gestión de productores y consumidores de Kafka.
- wmgr — Yet another tool for tiling, resizing, and managing windows
- woc — WOC, this tool is amazing🤣🤣😄😆
- woeboost — WoeBoost: Weight of Evidence (WOE) Gradient Boosting