Reverse Dependencies of requests-unixsocket
The following projects have a declared dependency on requests-unixsocket:
- aalam-common — Aalam Common module
- ansible-runner-http — no summary
- — Backend.AI Agent
- cheroot-cc — Highly-optimized, pure-python HTTP server
- cheroot-ccwienk — Highly-optimized, pure-python HTTP server
- chouette-iot — Monitoring and metrics collecting Datadog integration for IoT devices
- consul-reborn — Fork of Python client for Consul ( with some community and my patches.
- consulate — A Client library for the Consul
- consulate-fork — A Client library and command line application for the Consul. Fork of Consulate package
- daktari — Assist in setting up and maintaining developer environments
- deployv — Base for all clases and scripts in VauxooTools
- django-parcel-ssr — Django server side rendering, powered by Parcel bundler
- doru — A tiny command line tool for regular investment of cryptocurrencies on centralized exchanges using dollar-cost averaging.
- elyra-server — The elyra-server package provides common core libraries and functions that are required by Elyra's individual extensions. Note: Installing this package alone will not enable the use of Elyra. Please install the 'elyra' package instead. e.g. pip install elyra[all]
- EPIC-API-Client — EPIC API Client including authentication flow and some wrapped API calls
- gravity — Command-line utilities to assist in managing Galaxy servers
- h5pyd — h5py compatible client lib for HDF REST API
- helixd — Minimalist LXD API client
- hpc-beeflow — A software package for containerizing HPC applications and managing job workflows
- hsds — Rest-based Web Service for HDF data
- httpie-snapdsocket — Snapd socket transport plugin for HTTPie.
- image-crawl — Crawl and transform images
- ivystar — python tools package of ivystar
- jaraco.keyring — Remote keyring over SSH
- mpesa-client — A Python SDK for seamless integration with the M-Pesa API, supporting STK Push payments, C2B, B2C payouts, and more.
- mw-python-sdk — ModelWhale Python SDK
- nbclassic — Jupyter Notebook as a Jupyter Server extension.
- nsgcli — NetSpyGlass CLI
- nudnik — gRPC load-balancing testing tool
- ocptv-ctam — Compliance Tool for Accelerator Management
- odh-elyra — Elyra provides AI Centric extensions to JupyterLab
- odoo-addon-redner — Odoo addon to use redner (producer of reports and emails)
- PamAuthServiceClient — Client for the PamAuthService
- paperminer — customized pdfminer that can parse research papers
- podmanapi — Python package for Podman Rest API
- py-ms-consulate — A Client library and command line application for the Consul
- pyaware — Framework for reading connected devices and publishing to the AWARE cloud
- pyeoskit — Python Toolkit for EOS
- redfish — Redfish Python Library
- remote-sge — Utilities for remote submission and collection of GridEngine jobs.
- secretflow-doctools — Documentation toolchain for SecretFlow
- snooze-server — Monitoring tool for logs aggregation and alerting
- sorna-agent — Sorna agent
- stackify-api-python — Stackify API for Python
- supervisor-shell-ui — A CLI alternative to the built-in web interface of Supervisor, offering a more convenient way to manage processes directly from the terminal.
- tradingcomdados — tradingcomdados
- uuoskit — Python Toolkit for EOSIO
- voltron — A debugger UI
- wxbtool — A toolkit for WeatherBench based on PyTorch
- XD-Docker — Python library for accessing Docker Remote API