Reverse Dependencies of requests-toolbelt
The following projects have a declared dependency on requests-toolbelt:
- nitroflare-uploader — A Python package to upload files to Nitroflare
- nollama — A terminal-based interface for interacting with large language models (LLMs)
- nomad-tools — Set of tools and utilities to ease interacting with Hashicorp Nomad scheduling solution.
- nornir-akamai — Akamai plugins for Nornir
- nornir-f5 — F5 plugins for Nornir
- notedrive — notedrive
- NovelAILLMWrapper — no summary
- npu — Python client for using npu api
- ntcore — Python client for interfacing with NTCore
- ntdgotv-langtools — # ntdGoTV_langtools
- ntropy-sdk — SDK for the Ntropy API
- numina-data-client — no summary
- nwb4fp — Description of my package
- nwb4fprobe — Description of my package
- nwpoetry — Python dependency management and packaging made easy.
- nyx-client — Nyx Client offers a simple API for interacting with data in your Nyx network.
- nyx-extras — Nyx Client SDK Extras provides a powerful toolkit for building generative AI applications using data brokered on the Nyx platform.
- oasees-sdk — Oasees SDK
- oasis-workshop — Helper functions for oasis-workshop
- oasislmf — Core loss modelling framework.
- ocptv-ctam — Compliance Tool for Accelerator Management
- ocrd-olahd-client — OCR-D processor and client for OLA-HD
- odins-spear — Python library for Odin API to build and manage Broadworks installations.
- odoo-addon-connector-jira — JIRA Connector
- odoo-addon-mail-gateway-whatsapp — Set a gateway for whatsapp
- ofdcomparer — Библиотека для сравнивания ФД из ФН и ОФД
- officelyTest — A brief description of your package
- olas-operate-middleware — no summary
- oldp — Open Legal Data Platform
- omnikeeper-client — Python library containing helper functions for implementing omnikeeper clients
- omnivoreql — Omnivore API Client for Python
- onemapsg — Python Wrapper Client for the OneMap API with automatic token handling
- Online-UniConverter-python — Python REST API wrapper for
- onqlave-python — This Python SDK is designed to help developers easily integrate Onqlave Encryption As A Service into their python backend.
- onqlave-python-dev — This Python SDK is designed to help developers easily integrate Onqlave Encryption As A Service into their python backend.
- op-data — operate kinds of databases
- open-autonomy — A framework for the creation of autonomous agent services.
- open-balpy — Balancer V2 Python API
- openai-responses — 🧪🤖 Pytest plugin for automatically mocking OpenAI requests
- opendrop — An open Apple AirDrop implementation
- openedx-rest-api-client — Standalone client used to access Open edX REST APIs.
- openfund — no summary
- openfund-py — no summary
- opengradient — Python SDK for OpenGradient decentralized model management & inference services
- openlayer — The official Python library for the openlayer API
- openlayer-test — The official Python API library for Openlayer: the Testing and Debugging Platform for AI
- OpenNTFY — A simple command line tool to send notifications to your telegram bot
- openpy-fxts — Various functions and classes for time series forecasting with Machine and Deep Learning
- opensesame-extension-osweb — Extensions and plugins for OpenSesame to run experiments in a browser using OSWeb
- oplangchain — langchain for OpenPlugin
- ops-py-monitoring — Post Key Vault Secrets report to webhook
- Optimo-API-Testing — Package for testing optimo API
- optumi-core — Optumi core library
- orbitronomy — The Orbitronomy library is designed to simplify the process of plotting, calculating, visualizing, and animating the orbits of celestial bodies in 3D space. It employs Kepler's elliptical orbit equations and Keplerian Elements, in conjunction with PyAstronomy, to perform precise orbital calculations. For 3D plotting, it integrates the capabilities of Matplotlib, enhancing its utility in astronomical simulations and analyses.
- org.iplatform — A common package for iplatform
- org.iplatform.common — A common package for iplatform
- orthanc-server-extensions — A simple Orthanc python plugin based framework to extend Orthanc's feature set with testable python scripts.
- oru2xds — Receive HL7 messages and send them to an XDS.b repository
- osagent — osagent
- outline-cli — no summary
- ozzy-image-processing — Package to process images using Python
- pachelm — Pachyderm pipelines migrations & seeds tools, to ease pipelines deployment.
- package-Proc-Image — Versão de teste - Processamento de imagem. Este projeto pertence a Karina Tiemi Kato, Tech Lead, Machine Learning Engineer, Data Scientist Specialist da Take.
- package-viacep — Utility for Brazil zip code query or validation
- package-Ygor — Test version - Image processing. This project belongs to Karina Tiemi Kato, Tech Lead, Machine Learning Engineer, Data Scientist Specialist at Take. This package is a demo for simulation of upload on the Test Pypi website, and it's from class of the Bootcamp developer full stack Python.
- package02yxx — My awesome module
- paloalto-panorama-sdk — This SDK is designed to make it easier to work with the Palo Alto Panorama API.
- pandiocli — CLI to control Pandio's machine learning service.
- pangea-sdk — Pangea API SDK
- pano-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- panopta-api — Panopta API Client
- panoramaTool — This tool is intended to insert sercurity post rules into Panorama via API.
- parcel-data-collector — no summary
- parcel-data-collector2 — no summary
- passer-web-client — The client of passer-ground!
- pastor — ui and api autotest
- pcloud — A client library for pCloud
- pct-processamento-imagens — Image processing
- pdfcompare — A Python package to compare files (PDF, docx, images) and generate reports in txt, html, or PDF format
- pdfservices-extract-sdk — Adobe Document Services Extract PDF API Client Library
- peak-sdk — Python SDK for interacting with the Peak platform
- peerai-python-sdk — no summary
- personage-net — 一个在线工具
- personal-ledger — Personal ledger is a collection of financial tools to model earnings from capital or savings
- peslac — A Python package for the Peslac API
- pflops — no summary
- pflows — Several tools for dealing with image annotations to train YOLO or similar models
- pgark — Python library and CLI for archiving URLs on popular services like Wayback Machine
- Photini — Simple photo metadata editor
- pii-data-generator — It generats the dummy 'Personally identifiable information' data
- pilot-config — Pilot Automation Command Line Utility
- pinterest-client — A simple python client for Pinterest that support user interact with Pinterest such as simple browser.
- pipebio — A PipeBio client package
- pipeline-ai — Pipelines for machine learning workloads.
- piperider — PiperRider CLI
- piperider-nightly — PiperRider CLI
- piplink — A simple package for uploading packages to PyPI
- Pirebase — A simple python wrapper for the Firebase API
- piston-v-taper — A trained machine learning model for predicting the force due to contact between a deformable end cap and a taper
- pivotcrop — Package for cropping directories of images based on a pivot point.