Reverse Dependencies of requests-kerberos
The following projects have a declared dependency on requests-kerberos:
- acryl-PyHive — Python interface to Hive
- aiotrino — ASyncIO Client for the Trino distributed SQL Engine
- alo7-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- ansys-openapi-common — Provides a helper to create sessions for use with Ansys OpenAPI clients.
- apache-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- apache-airflow-zack — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- artifactory-du — Artifactory Disk Usage command line interface (artifactory-du)
- atlassian-python-api — Python Atlassian REST API Wrapper
- aws-adfs — AWS CLI authenticator via ADFS - small command-line tool to authenticate via ADFS and assume chosen role
- aws-hcs-cli — AWS CLI authenticator via ADFS - small command-line tool to authenticate via ADFS and assume chosen role
- AWSGlueInteractiveSessionsKernel — no summary
- bodhi-client — Bodhi client
- cacheless-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- cannerflow-python-client-development — Client for the Cannerflow
- cobra-policytool — Tool for manage Hadoop access using Apache Atlas and Ranger.
- container-workflow-tool — A python3 tool to make rebuilding images easier by automating several steps of the process.
- custom-workflow-solutions — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- datadog-checks-base — The Datadog Check Toolkit
- datalake-dtkav — datalake-dtkav: a fork of planetlabs/datalake
- dbnd-hdfs — Machine Learning Orchestration
- dbt-spark-livy — The dbt-spark-livy adapter plugin for Spark in Cloudera DataHub with Livy interface
- dipex — OS2mo-data-import-and-export
- dotstat-io — Utility to download or upload data from/to .Stat Suite using ADFS authentication to connect to it
- dta-wir-api-lib-python — no summary
- dvc-webhdfs — webhdfs plugin for dvc
- edu-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- es-data-exporter — Elasticsearch data exporter to the Prometheus .
- es-search-exporter — Elasticsearch search exporter for the Prometheus monitoring system.
- fasjson — fasjson makes it possible for applications to talk to the fedora account system.
- featurebyte — Python Library for FeatureOps
- goe-framework — no summary
- grafana-dashboard-builder — Generate Grafana dashboards with YAML
- hdfs — HdfsCLI: API and command line interface for HDFS.
- health-check-helper-thanhnv — no summary
- iiblib — IIB client library
- intake-solr — SOLR plugin for Intake
- ipa-notify — FreeIPA password expriation and locked user notifier
- iq-explorer — Client for the Explorer distributed SQL Engine
- jira — Python library for interacting with JIRA via REST APIs.
- jira-333 — Python library for interacting with Jira via REST APIs.
- kerb-sts — Renew AWS Simple Token Service Credentials
- kerberos-proxy-auth — This package patches requests at runtime to authenticate with kerberos proxy (negotiate)
- keystoneauth1 — Authentication Library for OpenStack Identity
- kukur — Kukur makes time series data and metadata available to the Apache Arrow ecosystem.
- kywy — Python client for Kawa -
- logger-es-handler — ES handler for logging module
- nimbus — Infrastructure tools for Amazon Web Services
- odcs — On Demand Compose Service
- onetl — One ETL tool to rule them all
- openmetadata-sqlalchemy-hive — Python interface to Hive for Openmetadata
- opensearch-py — Python client for OpenSearch
- openshift-cluster-login — Openshift cluster login on command line
- osisoft.pidevclub.piwebapi — PI Web API client library for Python (2017 R2)
- osisoft.pidevclub.piwebapi-thompsonp17 — PI Web API client library for Python (2017 R2)
- packitos — A set of tools to integrate upstream open source projects into Fedora operating system.
- pano-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- parcel-data-collector — no summary
- parcel-data-collector2 — no summary
- pidevguru-piwebapi — PI Web API client for Python
- piwrapper — Python connector access OSISOFT PI server via PI Web API.
- presto-python-client — Client for the Presto distributed SQL Engine
- ptp-ipdata-extractor — A package to query and extract IP data with Kerberos authentication from IBI DB.
- pubtools-pyxis — Pubtools-pyxis
- py-hive-iomete — Python interface to iomete (Hive)
- pyavrio — Python client library for Avrio
- PyCarmel — Python interface to Hive
- pyextrica — Python client library for Extrica
- pyhive — Python interface to Hive
- PyHive-0.6.3-fix-sqlalchemy2.0 — Python interface to Hive
- PyHive-abmn614 — Python interface to Hive
- PyHive-canghai118 — Python interface to Hive
- pyhive-fix — Python interface to Hive
- PyHive-fix-sqlalchemy — Python interface to Hive
- PyHive-fix-sqlalchemy2.0 — Python interface to Hive
- PyHive6si — Python interface to Hive
- pyhivecarmel — Python interface to Hive
- pyrestsdk — a toolkit to make writing SDKs in python simple
- pyservicenow — Python wrapper for Service-Now REST APIs
- PyStellarDB — Python interface to StellarDB
- python-keystoneclient-kerberos — Kerberos authentication for the OpenStack clients
- pywinrm2 — Python library for Windows Remote Management
- raz-client — boto3 plugin for S3 Ranger authorization
- refractpyhive — Python interface to Hive
- requests-api — HTTP requests library.
- requests-kerberos-proxy — Add a short description here!
- retakesearch-py — Python client for OpenSearch
- rh-aws-saml-login — A CLI tool that allows you to log in and retrieve AWS temporary credentials using Red Hat SAML IDP
- rh-doozer — CLI tool for managing and automating Red Hat software releases
- rh-elliott — CLI tool for managing and automating Red Hat software releases
- salt-cumin — A CLI front-end to a running salt-api system
- signtractions — quay-tractions
- slycat-web-client — Slycat web client utilties for interacting with the Slycat data analysis and visualization server.
- slypi — Slycat python interface utilties for interacting with the Slycat data analysis and visualization server.
- soda-gallery — Python-based UCSC genome browser gallery generator
- storm-aws-adfs — AWS CLI authenticator via ADFS - small command-line tool to authenticate via ADFS and assume chosen role
- tagreader — Tagreader is a Python package for reading trend data from the OSIsoft PI and Aspen Infoplus.21 IMS systems.
- TestResultDBAccess — Interfaces to access TestResultWebApp database
- thriftcli — Thrift CLI
- tikit-test — Kit for TI PLATFORM
- tmp-jira-with-fix-template-name — Python library for interacting with JIRA via REST APIs.