Reverse Dependencies of remotezip
The following projects have a declared dependency on remotezip:
- apafib — Utilities for FIB GEI APA course
- asf-cherry-pick — Python package for cherry picking Data into asf
- asf-metadata — Python wrapper for ASF's metadata
- asf-search — Python wrapper for ASF's SearchAPI
- asfsmd — ASF Sentinel-1 Metadata Download tool
- autodecrypt — Tool to decrypt iOS firmware images
- bfftree — Add your description here
- criptam — iOS firmware key decrypter
- deleo — A Python CLI tool for downgrading i(Pad)OS devices.
- eossr — ESCAPE OSSR library
- hab — An environment configuration and launcher system
- insardev-toolkit — (Python InSAR): Geospatial Processing Toolkit
- iospytools — provides useful tools/commands which are used in iOS research
- kivysome — Font Awesome 5 Icons for Kivy
- pybmtool — A Python library/CLI tool for parsing Apple's BuildManifest plist files inside a firmware ipsw/ota.
- pygeodes — A Python client for Geodes APIs
- pygmtsar — PyGMTSAR (Python GMTSAR): Powerful and Accessible Satellite Interferometry
- remote-wheel — Access files from a remote wheel.
- xiaomi-flashable-firmware-creator — Create flashable firmware zip from MIUI and HyperOS Recovery ROMs!