Reverse Dependencies of regions
The following projects have a declared dependency on regions:
- aimfast — An Astronomical Image Fidelity Assessment Tool.
- aopp-deconv-tool — Tool for performing deconvolution (using LucyRichardson and ModifiedClean algorithms), PSF fitting and filtering, and data manipulation for 2d images and 3d datacubes.
- asgardpy — Gammapy-based pipeline for easy joint analysis of different gamma-ray datasets
- astromy — Astronomy data analysis package.
- astropixel — AstroPixel project made for CodeAstro!
- astroquery — Functions and classes to access online astronomical data resources
- BAccMod — Calculate 2D acceptance model for creating maps with gammapy (IACT analysis)
- breizorro — Creates a binary mask given a FITS image
- casagui — visualization toolkit and apps for casa
- crystalball — Predicts visibilities from a parameterised sky model
- cubical — Fast calibration implementation exploiting complex optimisation.
- flows_get_brightest — Helper script for getting the brightest star in a Hawk-I (or other)
- gdpyc — Gas and Dust Python Calculator
- glue-astronomy — Astronomy-specific plugins for glue
- heinlein — no summary
- hetdex-api — Tools to deal with HETDEX data releases
- ipyaladin — no summary
- ismgcc — Finding velocity coherent structures in molecular ISM using Gaussian decomposition and Graph theory
- jdaviz — Astronomical data analysis development leveraging the Jupyter platform
- jwst-novt — JWST NIRSpec Observation Visualization Tool
- lenskappa — no summary
- MOCPy — MOC parsing and manipulation in Python
- Muphoten — A photometry tool for transient astromydesign for network of telescopes.
- ost-photometry — Phtometry reduction and analysis package for the OST observatory
- pfb-imaging — Radio interferometric imaging suite based on a preconditioned forward-backward approach
- photutils — An Astropy package for source detection and photometry
- prepipy — Provides the ability to stretch and combine astronomical images from multiple bands into (RGB) colour images.
- regions — An Astropy coordinated package for region handling
- rgbmaker — A python package which communicates to different astronomical services and fetches fits and numerical data.
- scutout — Tool to extract source cutouts from a collection of astronomical FITS images
- solarkat — Solar imaging pipeline for solar interference mitigation in MeerkAT
- soxs — Simulated Observations of X-ray Sources
- specex — Extract spectra from fits cubes
- spectral-cube — A package for interaction with spectral cubes
- testreverseautoslitcode — Test Compiling of Code
- vasca — Ultraviolet Variability Analysis is an astronomy pipeline for time-variable sources.
- xga — Python package to easily generate and analyse X-ray astronomy data products, ideal for investigating large samples.
- xstatix — Space and Time Algorithm for Transients In X-rays