Reverse Dependencies of regex
The following projects have a declared dependency on regex:
- x-clip — X-CLIP
- xchk-regex-strategies — Checking strategies for xchk based around regular expressions.
- xcodec2 — A library for XCodec2 model.
- XEdu-python — XEdu
- xklb — xk library
- xpath-identifier — Identify Xpath expressions in a given document
- xradarSat2 — xarray/dask distributed L1 sar file reader for radarSat2
- xsget — Console tools to download online novel and convert to text file.
- XulbuX — A library which includes a lot of really helpful functions.
- yalp_grok — A Python library to parse strings and extract information from structured/unstructured data
- yc-pyvisa — =用于YICHIP内部仪器设备的控制
- yelphelp — A small scraping tool for Yelp
- yomifreq — Generate yomichan frequency dictionary
- you-dl — A simple interactive youtube downloader written in python. Interactively select the quality and format for youtube-dl
- youtube-summary — no summary
- ytframedownloader — Download frames from videos
- yue-normalizer — Add your description here
- yvestest — An open-source simplifies ETL workflow with Python based on Spark
- z3log — no summary
- zabbixci — Source control for Zabbix templates in Git
- zas-rep-tools — This Tool-set helps to make a repetitions analysis in social media corpora much comfortable
- zcbor — Code generation and data validation using CDDL schemas
- zenduty-api — Python SDK wrapper for the Zenduty API
- zetaalpha.rag-agents — The Agents SDK is designed to provide a flexible, scalable, and efficient framework for building, testing, and deploying LLM agents.
- zftracker — Python library for tracking group of zebrafish
- zimscraperlib — Collection of python tools to re-use common code across scrapers
- zjutcv — ZJUT toolbox for computer vision
- zot2sioyek — Script with managing utils of zotero database fratures to sioyek PDF reader.
- zyjj_client_sdk — 智游剪辑客户端sdk包