Reverse Dependencies of redis
The following projects have a declared dependency on redis:
- 0-core-client — Zero-OS 0-core client
- 0lever-utils — utils
- 15five-snowplow-tracker — Snowplow event tracker for Python. Add analytics to your Python and Django apps, webapps and games
- 1lever-utils — utils
- 58 — 抓58同城的电话号码
- a2ml — A powerful API to Automate Machine Learning workflows from multiple vendors.
- a3redis — a3redis is a simple wrapper around redis-py to make it easier to use.
- aacommons — aacommons
- aact — An actor model library for multi-agent/environment interaction in Python based on Redis.
- aalam-common — Aalam Common module
- abdelrahman-obfuscate — Convo: the AI powered chatbot API 2.0
- abdo — kjdfdlsjlkdfl
- abdo-obfuscate — Obfuscate Convo Test
- abdoconvo — dynamic forms updated
- Abigale2 — This project is inherited from the original [Abigale](, with the folloing improvements/changes:.
- abilian-core — A framework for enterprise applications (CRM, ERP, collaboration...).
- accession2taxid — Python library for NCBI assession2tax file querying.
- achatbot — An open source chat bot for voice (and multimodal) assistants
- act-ratelimit — A simple rate limiter for FastAPI.
- actinia-core — Actinia Core is an open source REST API for scalable, distributed, high performance processing of geographical data that uses mainly GRASS GIS for computational tasks
- activetick-http — Pandas wrapper for ActiveTick HTTP Proxy
- ActivityRelay — Generic LitePub relay (works with all LitePub consumers and Mastodon)
- ad_sdl.wei — The Rapid Prototyping Laboratory's Workflow Execution Interface.
- adapta — Logging, data connectors, monitoring, secret handling and general lifehacks to make data people lives easier.
- adaptdl — Dynamic-resource trainer and scheduler for deep learning
- adaptdl-modified-pandyaka — Dynamic-resource trainer and scheduler for deep learning
- addok — Search engine for address. Only address.
- ads-placement-guardian — description
- adslproxy — ADSL Proxy Pool Tool
- adslproxy-enhance — ADSL Proxy Pool Tool
- adsocket-transport — ADSocket transport library
- AdyanUtils — Special package
- aet.consumer — A library to consume messages from Kafka with added functionality based on Aether's schema metadata
- aether.python — A python library with Aether Python functionality
- aether.sdk — A python library with helpful django tools for Aether
- affo-email-service — no summary
- affo-event-service — no summary
- affo-user-service — no summary
- afs-py — Quick define a function compatibility to OpenAI function tool.
- agent-society-lib — A Python Library that integrates with the agent-society server
- agenteasy — An AI library for humans
- agentgateway — A centralized framework to use a model of your choice for your agentic usecases.
- agentic-fleet — A powerful multi-agent system for adaptive AI reasoning and automation
- agentic-search — code for an agentic search tool using Langchain
- agentlink — no summary
- agentserve — A framework for hosting and scaling AI agents.
- agentstable — A Python SDK for integrating with the AgentStable Search Action Service
- agilerl — AgileRL is a deep reinforcement learning library focused on improving RL development through RLOps.
- agogosml — Agogosml Library
- agora-py — A Python library for Web-scale Ontology-driven Access to Distributed Linked Data
- agora-redis-client — Redis Client for the Agora Edge Apps SDK 2.0 (Python)
- ahi — Application Hacking Interface. An HTTP API client helper for "unofficial" APIs.
- ai-butler-sdk — AI模型生产管理平台sdk
- ai-enterprise-agent — AI Agent simplifies the implementation and use of generative AI with LangChain.
- ai-flow-nightly — An open source framework that bridges big data and AI.
- ai-services — "A simple web framework based on Sanic"
- aibase — 基础包
- aibridge-test — Bridge for LLM"s
- aibridgecore — Bridge for LLM"s
- aibrix — AIBrix, the foundational building blocks for constructing your own GenAI inference infrastructure.
- aicommit — Generate AI powered commit messages
- aicrowd-api — Python api for interacting with AIcrowd Grading infrastructure
- aidriver — AIDriver
- aifori — aifori
- aijson-core — Low-code config language for AI pipelines
- aio-aws — aio-aws
- aio-celery — Celery worker for running asyncio coroutine tasks
- aio-fluid — Tools for backend python services
- aio-py-rq — no summary
- aio-rom — asyncio based Redis object mapper
- aio-scrapy — A high-level Web Crawling and Web Scraping framework based on Asyncio
- aio-snowplow-tracker — Asyncio Snowplow event tracker for Python. Add analytics to your Python and Django apps, webapps and games.
- aiobreaker — Python implementation of the Circuit Breaker pattern.
- aiocache — multi backend asyncio cache
- aiodistributor — Python asynchronous library for synchronizing replicated microservices
- aiofs — Wrap data sources like files with asyncio python
- aiogram — Modern and fully asynchronous framework for Telegram Bot API
- aiogram-broadcaster — A lightweight aiogram-based library for broadcasting Telegram messages.
- aiogram-tonconnect — aiogram-tonconnect is a user-friendly library for integrating TON Connect UI into aiogram-based Telegram bots.
- aiohttp-cache — A cache system for aiohttp server
- aiohttp-client-cache — Persistent cache for aiohttp requests
- aiohttp-session — sessions for aiohttp.web
- aiokeydb — Python client for KeyDB database and key-value store
- aiopubsub-py3 — aio pubsub
- aioradio — Generic asynchronous i/o python utilities for AWS services (SQS, S3, DynamoDB, Secrets Manager), Redis, MSSQL (pyodbc), JIRA and more
- aiosafeconsumer — Safely consume and process data.
- aioscpy — An asyncio + aiolibs crawler imitate scrapy framework
- aioscrapy-redis — A mini spider framework, Integrate aiohttp into scrapy
- aiosendpulse — Async SendPulse client for python
- AioSpider-zly — 高并发异步爬虫框架
- aiostep — A Python library to handle steps in aiogram framework.
- aiostorage-orm — Python for using in-memory storage with ORM
- aiotaskqueue — Asynchronous task queue framework
- aiou — Async I/O Utils
- aioworkers_redis — Module for working with redis
- aipo — Aipo is a small and simple asyncio task/job queue.
- air-df — 常用插件
- airdot — A code base for deploying ml api
- airypi — The server libraries for airypi
- aisrfwk — aisr ai framework,稳定版,修复最终推送状态错误bug