Reverse Dependencies of readthedocs-sphinx-search
The following projects have a declared dependency on readthedocs-sphinx-search:
- accelerometer — A package to extract meaningful health information from large accelerometer datasets e.g. how much time individuals spend in sleep, sedentary behaviour, walking and moderate intensity physical activity
- actinet — Activity detection algorithm compatible with the UK Biobank Accelerometer Dataset
- actipy — Python package to process wearable accelerometer data
- alpaca-ccxt — Alpaca Exchange on CCXT
- — An async API wrapper for the
- anndata — Annotated data.
- argh — Plain Python functions as CLI commands without boilerplate
- astromer — Creates light curves embeddings using ASTROMER
- async-wrapper — async wrapper
- asyncio-event-hub — A library that provides users the ability to create event (loop) driven systems within the asyncio framework.
- autoprotocol — Python library for generating Autoprotocol
- binette — Binette: accurate binning refinement tool to constructs high quality MAGs.
- bioscan-dataset — PyTorch torchvision-style datasets for BIOSCAN-1M and BIOSCAN-5M.
- bpcmp — Comparison tool for ADIOS2 bp output
- caloutils — Metrics and tools for evaluation generative models for calorimeter shower based on pytorch_geometric.
- chame — Chromatin accessibility module
- chimera-gw — Combined Hierarchical Inference Model for Electromagnetic and gRavitational-wave Analysis
- coix — Inference Combinators in JAX
- dayz-dev-tools — Useful tools for DayZ mod developers.
- deepair — PyTorch implementations of Deep reinforcement learning algorithms.
- deut-repo-utils — Repository utilities to facilitate collaborative and modularized coding.
- Discord-Advert-Framework — Framework for periodic advertisements on Discord
- django-otp-u2f — django-otp device implementation for U2F/Webauthn
- fedot — Automated machine learning framework for composite pipelines
- financial-security-classes — Pure python financial securities dataclasses
- flow360 — no summary
- frarch — Training Framework for PyTorch projects
- freiner — Generic rate limiting solution for python applications, supporting various strategies and storage backends (redis and memcached).
- geogridfusion — no summary
- gwkokab — A JAX-based gravitational-wave population inference
- iOpt — Framework for automatically tuning hyperparameter values for mathematical models, AI and ML.
- jars — Next-generation objects for omics data
- kleides-mfa — Interface components to configure and manage multi factor authentication
- libvna — Vector network analyzer calibration, load, store and convert
- MiV-OS — Python software for analysis and computing framework used in MiV project.
- mlgw-bns — Accelerating gravitational wave template generation with machine learning.
- motor — Non-blocking MongoDB driver for Tornado or asyncio
- mudata — Multimodal data
- mudatasets — Multimodal Datasets in MuData format
- muon — Multimodal omics analysis framework
- nerfstudio — All-in-one repository for state-of-the-art NeRFs
- neuroconv — Convert data from proprietary formats to NWB format.
- nlpboost — A package for automatic training of NLP (transformers) models
- nornir-salt — Nornir plugins used with SaltStack Salt-Nornir Proxy Minion
- numpyro — Pyro PPL on NumPy
- nwb-conversion-tools — Convert data from proprietary formats to NWB format.
- openapi-builder — A Flask extension to automatically add OpenAPI documentation for your Flask app.
- paddlenlp — Easy-to-use and powerful NLP library with Awesome model zoo, supporting wide-range of NLP tasks from research to industrial applications, including Neural Search, Question Answering, Information Extraction and Sentiment Analysis end-to-end system.
- power-grid-model — Python/C++ library for distribution power system analysis
- power-grid-model-ds — Power Grid Model extension which provides a grid data structure for simulation and analysis
- power-grid-model-io — Power Grid Model Input/Output
- pqdata — Parquet-based serialization for scverse
- pvdeg — Pvdeg is a python library that supports the calculation of degradation related parameters for photovoltaic (PV) modules.
- PyElastica — Elastica is a software to simulate the dynamics of filaments that, at every cross-section, can undergo all six possible modes of deformation, allowing the filament to bend, twist, stretch and shear, while interacting with complex environments via muscular activity, surface contact, friction and hydrodynamics.
- pygaposa — Unofficial module for access to Gaposa morotized shades cloud API
- pykmsim — This is a python rewrite of kmsim to allow for better maintainbility and usability
- pylick — Python tool to measure spectral features in galaxy spectra
- pymongo — Python driver for MongoDB <>
- PyOPIA — A Python Ocean Particle Image Analysis toolbox.
- PyPlumIO — PyPlumIO is a native ecoNET library for Plum ecoMAX controllers.
- pysimlink — Compile, run, and interact with Simulink models natively in Python!
- pytorch-logit-logic — Logit-space logical activation functions for pytorch
- quairkit — QuAIRKit is a Python research toolbox for developing quantum computing, quantum information, and quantum machine learning algorithms.
- random-quote-generator-rdobmk — no summary
- repytah — Python package for building Aligned Hierarchies for sequential data streams
- s3pathlib — Objective Oriented Interface for AWS S3, similar to pathlib.
- salbpone — Simple Assembly Line Balancing Problem (SALBP-1) solver
- salt-nornir — Salt-Nornir Proxy Minion SaltStack Modules
- sam — Time series anomaly detection and forecasting
- sample-package-chanshing — An example Python project
- scanpy — Single-Cell Analysis in Python.
- scanpydoc — A series of Sphinx extensions to get maintainable numpydoc style documentation.
- scflowpy — Python helper functions for scFlow
- scivision — Scivision
- scverse — scverse bundle
- shadows — Low-memory data interfaces for scverse
- — Python Async Wrapper for Shikimori Api
- sloyka — Library for city identity analysis from social media posts and comments
- SMACT — Semiconducting Materials by Analogy and Chemical Theory
- sphinx-godot-theme — Standalone sphinx theme based on the official Godot documentation theme.
- ssm-dox — CLI tool for building and publishing SSM Documents.
- stepcount — Step counter for wrist-worn accelerometers compatible with the UK Biobank Accelerometer Dataset
- tenbagger — test
- thegolem — Framework for Graph Optimization and Learning by Evolutionary Methods
- TkClassWiz — Library for graphically defining objects based on class annotations. Works with Tkinter / TTKBootstrap
- tkinter-async-execute — Simple library that allows interaction between Tkinter and asyncio event loop running in a seperate thread.
- TrackSegNet — Segmentation of trajectories into diffusive states using supervised LSTM network
- ttp — Template Text Parser
- tweepy — Twitter library for Python
- tweepy-mastodon — Mastodon library with Tweepy interface for Python
- vsg — VHDL Style Guide