Reverse Dependencies of re
The following projects have a declared dependency on re:
- activewindow — Active window information
- aibox — no summary
- AutoChatbot — Package that makes chatbots automatically
- basictwitternlp — Scrape Twitter based off query and runs NLTK vader and cos similarity model
- docfilter — The Python package docfilter is used to detect and remove inappropriate information from text.
- dolcera-threshold-finder — Dolcera threshold finder package
- en2cn — 英文翻译到中文的包
- extract-keyword — Extract key words from a text
- extract-keyword-X — Extract key words from a text
- extractkeyword — Extract key words from a text
- extractkeywords — Extract key words from a text
- fanompo — Propensity score matching for python and graphical plots
- flatwhite — A package for validating formats and handling files.
- genevarepkg — Package for performing validation tasks for data of genevare
- genpackage — Package for performing validation tasks for data of genevare
- geoapify4us — Codes to help using GeoAPIfy APIs
- git-regex-search — This program allows you to search for a specific pattern within the files of a GitHub repository(using PyGithub).
- god-ocr — OCR King
- grinding-lib — Demo Python Library for Siemens Grinding project
- HeST — no summary
- hkex-tools — Reader for HKEX daily report
- hydrate-minio-weaviate — A package to fetch, store, and process documents using MinIO and Weaviate.
- JupyterToLib — A Python package that transforms your Jupyter notebooks into Python modules and optimizes your scripts by removing comments and empty lines.
- kb-analysis — H1 human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) Data Analysis
- KnapKingsTest2 — Daily Fantasy Sports Optimization Package
- korean-email-validator — 이메일 유효성 검증 패키지로, 한국어로 이메일 유효성 검증 결과를 반환합니다.
- liveatlas — liveatlas-API
- logs-parser — Classifies senteces as logs or not
- markdown-grapher — Draw a network graph of your markdown files
- MoreUpdate — A library for open Python project
- MoreUtilspy — a package containing more utilities for python
- normalization-text — Menormalisasikan Data Text
- nsai — A package for France media sentiment analysis
- PB-Sent — A sentiment lexicon algorithm to classify pidgin English and English text into positive, negative or neutral
- pbi-vizdata — no summary
- postfoam — A python library for postporcessing openfoam simulations.
- prabir — This is a data science related question asnwering model for the beginners
- project-chk — A small example package
- py3botsentinel — A package to programmatically query a twitter user on BotSentinel
- quadroots — Calculating roots of quadratic equations
- quantumtw — It's my toy project
- ratify — A simple validation library
- rdcpy — Пакет для работы на платформе НЦСЭД.
- rdflib-rif — Parser for rif as plugin for rdflib
- realstate-scrap — extract all the data like: price, address, features from
- reese-mysql-utils — A toolkit for operating MySQL's add, delete, modify, and query actions using Python
- RiceXL — A tool for handling Excel easily. Handle both xls and xlsx in the same way.
- rpi-i2c-lcd-python — lcd
- RRFI — A brief description of your project
- scrape-do-nlp — This package will just take twitter keys and topic you want to scrape and give summarya dn sentiment as output
- Script-Scheduler — Schedule Scripts For Running With Time Interval
- steganograph — Head a file in img and extracted without chnaging the image size and you can protect your file with a password
- text-ppf — Text pre-processing function for NLP
- textbot — Read a column of strings from csv, parse wordnet pos_tags to lemmas, enumerate most_common lemmas, weight strings via top scoring lemmas
- textilepy — no summary
- TextRefine — The TextRefine class provides a set of methods for text preprocessing and cleaning. It allows users to remove emails, links, numbers, spaces, mentions, tags, symbols, punctuation, non-ASCII characters, emojis, stopwords, and duplicate words. This versatile tool is designed to enhance text data for various natural language processing tasks.
- Tomation — Automation library for small or big tasks.
- UAT-hkex-tools — Reader for HKEX daily report
- universal-image-input-handler — A module to handle different formats of image input
- vanta-yc — Log to table converter package
- WaterTankMonitoringSystem-pkg-THRMAT007-LKYROS001 — Design project
- webscrape-cd — FOSS Contact detail extractor
- wifi-guard — A simple WiFi Guard package
- wiki-scraper — no summary
- XS-treatment — XS-treatment suite for SAXS/WAXS data treatment.