Reverse Dependencies of rdkit
The following projects have a declared dependency on rdkit:
- synutility — Utility for reaction modeling using graph grammar
- t5chem — A Unified Deep Learning Model for Multi-task Reaction Predictions
- thegolem — Framework for Graph Optimization and Learning by Evolutionary Methods
- toff — toff is a python package to get topologies from the OpenFF initiative
- topsearch — A Python package for topographical analysis of machine learning models and physical systems
- torch-geometric — Graph Neural Network Library for PyTorch
- torch-pgn — Proximity Graph Networks: Predicting ligand affinity with Message Passing Neural Networks
- toxsmi — PyTorch implementation of toxicity prediction models from SMILES.
- trimnet — Your library description
- tsflow — Python package for searching transition states and generating reaction complexes
- twinbooster — Python package for TwinBooster: Synergising Chemical Structures and Bioassay Descriptions for Enhanced Molecular Property Prediction in Drug Discovery
- uamc-spectrophore — Python implementation of the spectrophore descriptor
- ugropy — Get UNIFAC functional groups of PubChem compounds or SMILES representation.
- unidock-tools — A data processing tool for Uni-Dock input and output
- unimol-tools — unimol_tools is a Python package for property prediciton with Uni-Mol in molecule, materials and protein.
- unique-uncertainty — UNIQUE is a Python package for benchmarking uncertainty estimation and quantification methods for Machine Learning models predictions.
- useful-rdkit-utils — A collection of useful RDKit functions
- vectorGC — Implementation of the Vector-GC method and its regression framework
- vendi-score — A diversity metric for machine learning
- vgd-counterfactuals — Counterfactual explanations for GNNs based on the visual graph dataset format
- visChem — A tool for chemical space visualization and clustering.
- visual-graph-datasets — Datasets for the training of graph neural networks (GNNs) and subsequent visualization of attributional explanations of XAI methods
- visyn-core — Core repository for datavisyn applications.
- vsom — the code of virtual screening of organic materials
- vsutils — Utility for reaction modeling using graph grammar
- wandb — A CLI and library for interacting with the Weights & Biases API.
- wfl — no summary
- workbench — Workbench: A Dashboard and Python API for creating and deploying AWS SageMaker Model Pipelines
- wsppchem — Water Solubility Prediction Project
- xdatbus — A Python package enhancing VASP AIMD simulation
- xgdl — Explainability Library with Geometric Deep Learning for Scientific Tasks
- xymol — eXplain Your MOLecule (XYMOL): A Python package to understand and explain atom/bond contributions of small molecules in machine learning models.
- yEscher — Run gene knockouts and analyize S. Cerevisae, built on top of yeastGEM