Reverse Dependencies of rdflib
The following projects have a declared dependency on rdflib:
- acdh-arche-pyutils — a python client for ARCHE-API
- acdh-cidoc-pyutils — Helper functions for the generation of CIDOC CRMish RDF (from XML/TEI data)
- acdh-django-archeutils — Utility module to serialize a django-model into ARCHE-RDF.
- acdh-django-filechecker — Django-App to store, edit, enrich and serialize the results of repo-file-checker
- acdh-django-sparql — Basic query interface and proxy for any common triple store.
- acdh-django-vocabs — Curate controlled vocabularies as SKOS
- acdh-graph-pyutils — Helper functions for the generation of RDF Graphs
- acmecse — An open source CSE Middleware for Education
- acmecse-dev — An open source CSE Middleware for Education
- acmecse-test — An open source CSE Middleware for Education
- agent-cloud — no summary
- agent-cloud-os — no summary
- agent-context — no summary
- agent-management-system — no summary
- — no summary
- agent-system — no summary
- agentbox — no summary
- agentDB — no summary
- agentvm — no summary
- agora-cli — A CLI for Agora
- agora-gw — A semantic gateway for the Web of Things
- agora-py — A Python library for Web-scale Ontology-driven Access to Distributed Linked Data
- agora-wot — A Python-based framework for describing, discovering and accessing a Web of Things
- aida-interchange — AIDA Interchange Format
- aismt — A command-line interface for AI Smart Task.
- alex-search — A command-line tool for quickly searching and extracting research papers from openAlex database
- algebraixlib — A data algebra library
- altimeter — Graph AWS resources in Neptune
- amo-validator — Validates add-ons for Mozilla products.
- ampligraph — A Python library for relational learning on knowledge graphs.
- ams-core — no summary
- ams-python — no summary
- annif — Automated subject indexing and classification tool
- anubis-policy-api — The main module of anubis
- aperturedb — ApertureDB Python SDK
- apis-core — Base package for the APIS framework
- apis-core-rdf — Base package for the APIS framework
- appnext — no summary
- arango-rdf — Convert ArangoDB graphs to RDF & vice-versa.
- arborist — Generate the URIs needed for the BONSAI knowledge graph
- artifact-generator — Tool for generating assets from rdf model.
- atomicgraphs — This is a library to split an RDF Graph into atomic graphs.
- atomID — Python package to identify and annotate crystal structure data files
- atomrdf — Ontology based structural manipulation and quering
- aucampia.rdflib-xtl — Extra tools for rdflib
- auglichem — Data augmentation of molecules and crystals.
- auto-ams — no summary
- auto-learn-gpt — autoML for training and inference Deep Learning model
- autordf2gml — AutoRDF2GML: A Framework for Transforming RDF Data into Graph Representations for Graph Machine Learning.
- babelon — babelon
- bam-masterdata — The BAM Data Store utility tools and masterdata models wrapped in a Python package with a front-end web interface.
- barnhunt — Helpers for drawing Barn Hunt course maps using Inkscape
- bdrxml — no summary
- bids-prov — BIDS extension proposal 28 : BIDS Provenance
- bio2bel-mesh — A package for converting MeSH to BEL
- biocypher — A unifying framework for biomedical research knowledge graphs
- BioFusion — Multilayer networks for biological multimodal data fusion and analysis.
- biolinkml — Biolink Modeling Language
- bioregistry — Integrated registry of biological databases and nomenclatures
- biosimulators-utils — description
- bluecore-models — Blue Core BIBFRAME Data Models
- — VocabulĂĄrio Controlado do Governo EletrĂ´nico
- brick-bodge — Rule-based framework for building Brick models from simple functions
- brick-model-summarizer — A package for summarizing BRICK models
- brickllm — Library for generating RDF files following BrickSchema ontology using LLM
- brickmapper — Use LLM embeddings to create mappings between the Brick ontology and external vocabularies
- brickschema — A library for working with the Brick ontology for buildings (
- brickschema-rdflib-sqlalchemy — rdflib extension adding SQLAlchemy as an AbstractSQLStore back-end store
- buildingmotif — Building Metadata OnTology Interoperability Framework
- calamus — calamus is a library built on top of marshmallow to allow (de-)Serialization of Python classes to JSON-LD.
- candig-server — Server implementation of the CanDIG APIs
- cas-tools — Cell Annotation Schema tools.
- case-utils — Python utilities for working with the CASE ontology
- ccut — A package for identifying, parsing and transforming units of measure
- cellmlmanip — CellML loading and model equation manipulation
- cf_netSDM — ClowdFlows 3 module for network analysis for semantic data mining
- cfpq-data — Python package containing Graphs and Grammars for experimental analysis of Context-Free Path Querying algorithms
- chaste-codegen — Code generation for cardiac Chaste
- cheka — This tool validates a data graph against a set of SHACL shape graphs that it extracts from a hierarchy of Profiles (Standards/Specifications and/or profiles of them).
- chemotion-api — A Chemotion python API
- chowlk-unofficial-fork — Temporary unofficial fork from Chowlk
- cim-graph — CIM Graph
- cim-loader — CIM Database Uploader & Downloader
- cimsparql — CIM query utilities
- ckanext-dcat — Plugins for exposing and consuming DCAT metadata on CKAN
- clisn — no summary
- cltl.dialogue-evaluation — The Leolani Language module for evaluating interactions
- cmem-cmempy — API for eccenca Corporate Memory
- cmem-plugin-pyshacl — Validate your Knowledge Graphs based on tests generated from SHACL shapes.
- cmem-plugin-shapes — Generate SHACL shapes from an instance data graph.
- coar-notify-validator — Utility for validating COAR Notify payloads.
- code-context — no summary
- codegraph-agent — no summary
- cognite-neat — Knowledge graph transformation
- commonroad-geometric — Contains basic functionality for facilitating research on graph neural networks for autonomous driving and provides an interface between CommonRoad and Pytorch Geometric.
- compath-resources — ComPath Resource Utilities
- concepttordf — A library for mapping a concept collection to rdf
- constellate — A bunch of utilities aggregated over time
- correspondence-tables — Generate the URIs needed for the BONSAI knowledge graph
- coscine — The Coscine Python SDK provides a pythonic high-level interface to the Coscine REST API.