Reverse Dependencies of rauth
The following projects have a declared dependency on rauth:
- annict — Annict API for python
- api-sdk-python — wrapper to api banregio
- bactopia — A Python package for working with Bactopia
- banregio-api — wrapper to api banregio
- betterreads — Python 3 wrapper for Goodreads API
- bottle-rauth — no summary
- brokerclient — Connection with brokers
- buffpy — Python library for Buffer App
- cite2c — Citations for Jupyter Notebooks
- confindr — no summary
- download-twitter-resources — Download tweet images and videos
- goodreads2 — Python wrapper for Goodreads API
- gwa-spotify-api — wrapper for spotify web api
- hattrick-libs — A library for data
- irida-sistr-results — Exports SISTR results available through IRIDA into a single report.
- irida-staramr-results — IRIDA StarAMR Results program enables StarAMR analysis results that were run through IRIDA to be batch downloaded into a collection of spreadsheets using the command line.
- irida-uploader-cl — IRIDA uploader: upload NGS data to IRIDA system
- iridauploader — IRIDA uploader: upload NGS data to IRIDA system
- khan-api-wrapper — Simple, direct Python 3 wrapper for the Khan Academy API
- m3inference — M3 Inference
- mlstdb — A Python package to update and manage the MLST database for the MLST tool.
- PheWeb — A tool for building PheWAS websites from association files
- puffer — Python wrapper for the Buffer API
- pyfantasy — An unofficial API to view and modify a Yahoo Fantasy team.
- python-quickbooks3 — A Python library for accessing the Quickbooks API. Forked from to improve Python 3 compatibility. Thanks to Edward Emanuel Jr.
- quickbooks-pinecone — A Python library for accessing the QuickBooks API.
- sailor — Easily access data from your SAP Digital Supply Chain software products for data science projects like predictive maintenance or master data analysis.
- smugcli — Command line tool for SmugMug
- yahoo_oauth — A very easy to use OAuth python library for Yahoo! APIs.
- yahoo-oauth-fantasy — Python Yahoo OAuth Library. Supports OAuth1 and OAuth2. Gets data from function variables or file