Reverse Dependencies of rasterstats
The following projects have a declared dependency on rasterstats:
- asf-snow — Snow depths calculation
- awherepy — Python package built to work with weather and agriculture data in the aWhere API.
- bdcctools — Biodiversity Data Cleaning and Curation Tools
- blackmarblepy — Georeferenced Rasters of Nighttime Lights from NASA Black Marble data
- CometTS — Time series trend analysis tools for user defined polygons in any time series of overhead imagery
- copro — Python-model build on scikit-learn functions, designed to facilitate the set-up, execution, and evaluation of machine-learning models for the study of the climate-conflict nexus.
- cropclassification — Package to classify crops based on sentinel images.
- daWUAP — Hydrologic Engine for daWUAP model
- dea-tools — Functions and algorithms for analysing Digital Earth Australia data.
- deafrica-tools — Functions and algorithms for analysing Digital Earth Africa data.
- delft3dfmpy — Top-level package for delft3dfmpy.
- distancerasters — Generate distance raster using arbitrary sets of spatial features
- dsplus — Helper functions for data science applications
- dtcc-core — DTCC Core
- EEDL — Code to export arbitrarily large areas of data from Earth Engine to local storage and optionally process data locally afterward
- environmental-risk-metrics — Calculate environmental risk metrics for a given polygon
- eodal — The Earth Observation Data Analysis Library EOdal
- flopy — FloPy is a Python package to create, run, and post-process MODFLOW-based models
- gdalTools — some useful tools in gdal
- GeoFuns — A package for geo tools used to map card score
- geograypher — Enabling Geospatial Predictions from Individual Drone Images
- georasters — Tools for working with Geographical Information System Rasters
- geospatial — A Python package for installing commonly used packages for geospatial analysis and data visualization with only one command.
- geowrangler — 🌏 A python package for wrangling geospatial datasets
- gregor — A library for spatial aggregation and disaggregation
- gridwxcomp — Compare meterological station data to gridded data
- HAPI-Nile — Distributed hydrological-model
- modflow-setup — Rapid and robust construction of MODFLOW groundwater flow models
- movdata — Movement Ecology Tools For Python
- niche-vlaanderen — NICHE Vlaanderen: hydro-ecological model for valley-ecosystems in Flanders
- nlmod — Python package to build, run and visualize MODFLOW 6 groundwater models in the Netherlands.
- opengis — An open source GIS tool.
- openhexa.sdk — OpenHEXA SDK
- pandarus — no summary
- PREAGeoFuns — A package for geo tools used to map card score
- PyHeatDemand — Processing Tool for Heat Demand Data
- pyimpute — Utilities for applying scikit-learn to spatial datasets
- pyl4c — Python tools for working with SMAP L4C data
- pylusat — Python for Land-use suitability analysis tools
- ra2ce — Risk Assessment and Adaptation for Critical infrastructurE (RA2CE).
- rasteric — A Comprehensive Geospatial Library
- rasterstats — Summarize geospatial raster datasets based on vector geometries
- regi0 — A Python toolkit to complement and verify biological records.
- RiskChanges — Library for computation of Loss and risk for Changing Natural Hazards
- s11-classifier — Classifier
- schimpy — Python package for SCHISM
- sfrmaker — Rapid construction of MODFLOW SFR Package input from hydrography data
- simple-swath — Module that provides tools to extract swath profile using a shapefile
- superblockify — Automated Generation, Visualization, and Analysis of potential Superblocks in Cities
- tobler — Tobler is a Python library for areal interpolation.
- uavgeo — UAV image processing library
- weatherDB — This is a package to work with and to create the Weather Database which handles, checks, fills and corrects DWD Weather Station data.