Reverse Dependencies of
The following projects have a declared dependency on
- aivatar-project-widgets — widgets for aivatar_project_widgets
- artella-plugins-core — Core Artella plugin package to create DCC plugins for Artella.
- arthub-login-widgets — A Qt Widget for login ArtHub.
- conductor.core — Core functionality for Conductor's client tools
- dayu-widgets — Components for PySide/PyQt.
- dayu-widgets-overlay — dayu_widgets MOverlay Widget for QtDesigner
- depthai-gui — DepthAI Pipeline Visualizer GUI
- depthai-pipeline-graph — Tool to create graphs oh DepthAI pipelines
- depthai-sdk — This package provides an abstraction of the DepthAI API library.
- flowws-analysis — Stage-based scientific workflows for system analysis
- hab-gui — GUI for user interaction to Hab.
- hypnotoad — Grid generator for BOUT++
- input-form-dialog — InputFormDialog provides a simple multi-type input dialog for Qt5
- kitsupublisher — Application to publish previews to Kitsu from desktop environments
- mgv — An open-source nodal pipeline manager
- mtoatools — Arnold for Autodesk Maya tools
- multigifview — View multiple gif files
- NodeGraphQt — Node graph framework for PySide2/PyQt5 that can be
- PrEditor — A python REPL and Editor and console based on Qt.
- psforms — Hassle free PySide forms.
- pyblish-3dsmax — Pyblish for 3ds Max.
- pyblish-simple — a GUI for pyblish, to see which instance failed and why
- pyuiw — Command Line File Watcher for Qt ui file to python file.
- pyvfx-boilerplate — A boilerplate Qt Py* app that runs in dcc apps, py2, or py3.
- pyxpad — "Data visualisation and analysis tool for IDAM",
- qargparser — fork of `qargparse` made by Motosso
- QBinder — Global Data Binding for Python Qt framework
- qfactory — A Qt based ui widget to manage a factories.Factory
- qtazu — Python Qt widgets for CG-Wire using gazu
- qtility — Support functions for working with PySide2/PySide6
- QtPyConvert — An automatic Python Qt binding transpiler to the abstraction layer. It aims to help in your modernization of your Python Qt code. QtPyConvert supports the following bindings out of the box: PyQt4, PySide, PyQt5, PySide2. It also has experimental support for defining your own bindings.
- simplex-solver — The Blur Studio Simplex Blendshape Combination System
- strong-typing — Classes to create strongly typed structures in Python
- termqt — A terminal emulator widget implemented in Python/Qt.
- tipico — useless client of a simulated device with PLICO
- tpqtlib — Collection of Python utilities modules to work with PySide/PyQt and DCCs
- ultrasnip — A desktop snipping tool written in Qt for Python.