Reverse Dependencies of pyxdg
The following projects have a declared dependency on pyxdg:
- alice-skills-manager — Alice Skills Manager
- apollo-fpga — Python library and host tools for Apollo FPGA debug controllers.
- arch-release-promotion — Promote official Arch Linux releases and synchronize them
- arya.config — no summary
- AST — Conversion between protobuf3 and srcML.
- aurblobs — Automatically build AUR packages and serve them from a repository
- beets — music tagger and library organizer
- beets-ydl — Download audio from youtube-dl soures and import into beets
- betanin — beets based mitm of your torrent client and music player
- boj-checker — Test BOJ solution using sample IOs.
- bomshell — Retrieve weather data from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology
- bpython — no summary
- bupy — A Python toolkit for Butane and Ignition
- cashiersync — Server-side synchronization component for Cashier
- chatterbox-bus-client — Chatterbox Messagebus Client
- chicken_turtle_util — Python 3 utility library
- chimed — Wind chime for your UNIX environment
- chocolatey-choco — Minimal choco command for use on non-Windows platforms.
- chooser — Choose browser when opening a URI
- cinnamon-udev-locker — Lock Cinnamon desktop session on device removal (i.e YubiKey)
- CLAchievements — Command Line Achievements — Make command line fun again!
- click-reviewers-tools — no summary
- click-toolbelt — Click App Toolbelt
- climix — A climate index package
- concert — Lightweight beamline control system
- configdeck — Stacked configuration sources for your application.
- configglue — Glue to stick OptionParser and ConfigParser together
- configize — Load YAML configuration respecting XDG
- confluence-poster — Script that updates Confluence articles from files written locally
- coqui-stt-model-manager — Model management and testing tool for Coqui STT models
- coqui-stt-server — A local server for Coqui STT models
- craft-parts — Craft parts tooling
- craft-store — Store bindings for Snaps and Charms
- DashboardServerReportWebsiteSide — A website monitoring tool for performance, security, SEO, and UI
- debops — Your Debian-based data center in a box
- debutizer — A tool for managing APT packages
- deluge — BitTorrent Client
- discover-overlay — Voice chat overlay
- duden — CLI-based german dictionary
- duffy — CentOS CI provisioner
- eink-calendar — Shows Google Calendar events on an Inky Impression display
- eltako14bus — Library for participating in the Eltako Series 14 RS485 bus
- extended-json-schema-validator — Extended JSON Schema Validator
- eyeditor — EYE - A Qt-based scriptable text editor
- fedora-sig-onboard — Onboard a package onto the appropriate Fedora SIG
- feed2exec — The programmable feed reader
- fingertip — Control VMs, containers and other machines with Python, leverage live snapshots
- firefly-cli — A python-based command line interface for practically entering expenses in Firefly III
- flopferret — A Texas Hold'em board texture analyzer
- folderpreview — Generates folder preview thumb
- fontquery — Query a font in Fedora release
- Geode-GEM — Geode-GEM is an interface to manage emulators and games
- girder-cli-oauth-client — A Python library for performing OAuth login to a Girder 4 (Django) server.
- gitlab-todotxt — Synchronise your GitLab issues to a todo.txt file
- gkraken — GUI to control cooling and lighting of NZXT Kraken X (X42, X52, X62 or X72) pumps
- goobook — Search your google contacts from the command-line or mutt.
- gwcelery — Low-latency pipeline for annotating IGWN events
- hf-webdriver-manager — Library provides the way to automatically manage drivers for different browsers.
- hubtty — Hubtty is a console-based interface to the Github Code Review system.
- humax — Humax router CLI
- humblelion — An unofficial Humble Bundle API for listing and downloading games and bundles
- i3expo — display current i3 workspaces
- i3hub — i3 extension runtime
- iconfinder — Easily get the icon associated with an executable in every OS
- installed-browsers — Python library to check installed browsers
- instrukt — A versatile AI environment to build and control AI agents using a terminal-based interface.
- IPP-Macro-Series-Parser — OpenFisca -- a versatile microsimulation free software
- ivystar — python tools package of ivystar
- jack-select — A systray app to set the JACK configuration from QjackCtl presets via DBus.
- jrnl — Collect your thoughts and notes without leaving the command line.
- kak-spell — PyEnchant wrapper for Kakoune
- kazam — A screencasting program created with design in mind.
- keeprofi — Fast rofi drun menu for keepass database
- khal — A standards based terminal calendar
- larigira — A radio automation based on MPD
- lastfm-mpris2-scrobbler — scrobbler via MPRIS2 in Linux
- libervia-backend — Libervia multipurpose and multi frontend XMPP client
- linkwiz — LinkWiz is a Linux tool that lets users select their preferred browser for opening links.
- linton — Simple standalone static web site builder using Markdown
- livecheck — Tool to update ebuilds.
- luis1996 — my description
- luisito1996 — my description
- luisito19963 — my description
- mailnagger — An extensible mail notification daemon
- matrix-commander — A simple command-line Matrix client
- matt — A maths test
- mccurse — Minecraft Curse CLI Client
- md-to-html2 — Convert Markdown to HTML using Jinja2 templates
- Metabograph — Build metabolic graphs from online databases.
- metaindex — Utilities to tag files
- metron-tagger — A program to write metadata from to a comic archive
- minchin.jrnl — Manage and record your thoughts, in plain text.
- minepkg — A package manager for minetest mods
- mirage-linemode — Customizable linemode plugin for ranger.
- mogwai — Titan Object-Graph Mapper (OGM)
- msm — Mycroft Skills Manager
- munin2smartphone — Demilitarized HTTP server eating munin monitoring data and producing static pages that can be displayed securely (ie. without javascript), on your smartphone.
- my-ip — Get your internet IP. Fast.
- nailgun — A library that facilitates easy usage of the Satellite 6 API
- needles — Conversion between binary buffers and LSTM input sequences.