Reverse Dependencies of pywinusb
The following projects have a declared dependency on pywinusb:
- badgescale-ys-plt — A production line tool project
- BlinkStick — Python package to control BlinkStick USB devices.
- geetak — This is a CLI for controlling GeeTak device
- griffin_powermate — A simple library to use the Griffin Powermate on Windows
- HIDRelay — Test Package
- imx — Open Source library for easy development with i.MX platform
- led-list — Teach Python lists with a BlinkStick LED strip.
- mboot — Python module for communication with NXP MCU Bootloader
- mesospim-control — mesoSPIM microscope control
- mlx90632-driver — Python library for MLX90632
- powermateusb — Cross-platform library for Griffin PowerMate
- Rabboni — BLE&USB for Rabboni
- simpadlib — A library that allows users to interface with their SimPad devices in real-time
- sportorg — SportOrg, python, sportident, orienteering
- temper-windows — Gets the temperature from a Temper USB thermometer on windows.