Reverse Dependencies of pywinauto
The following projects have a declared dependency on pywinauto:
- aeiva — aeiva is a general AI agent framework
- AllUtils — A light weight command line menu that supports Windows, MacOS, and Linux
- arkdriver — This application accesses the Ark system.
- autoasd — Automation script for ASD spectroscopy software.
- autoinsight — A Simplified UI automation package
- cdp-patches — Patching CDP (Chrome DevTools Protocol) leaks on OS level. Easy to use with Playwright, Selenium, and other web automation tools.
- change-analyzer — Change analyzer
- close_useless_window_interval — no summary
- cpct — Chipys PathOfExile Chaos Tool
- dost — DOST is a Python based Utility platform as an Open Source project. We strive to liberate humans from mundane, repetitive tasks, giving them more time to use their intellect and creativity to solve higher-order business challenges and perform knowledge work.
- dropy — A simple package for a simple drone simulator created in unity
- easytrader — A utility for China Stock Trade
- easytrader-welaunch — A utility for China Stock Trade
- fico21softlibswin — This is a fico21soft's common libraries
- file-ops-suite — List of useful tools to work with MS Office and Power Bi
- flutter-driver — An flutter automation driver for python
- gen3rftools — no summary
- gigapixel — Topaz Gigapixel AI automation tool
- gui-automation — Simple python library useful for automating tasks using images.
- hexpot — Realtime quantitative trading tools
- hnzhu010503 — A small example package
- hnzhu010504 — A small example package
- hnzhu010506 — A small example package
- hnzhu010507 — A small example package
- hxtz — me
- instamatic — Python program for automated electron diffraction data collection
- jqktrader — no summary
- JVLMotor — A library for JVL motors communication with different protocols
- jxbase — QQ交流群:1001030977
- kdtest — A keyword-driven automated testing framework
- koapy — Kiwoom Open Api Plus Python
- mtpiclick — HMI automation tools.
- my-autopylot — Auto-Pylot is a Python based RPA platform for Software BOT development as an Open Source project. We strive to liberate humans from mundane, repetitive tasks, giving them more time to use their intellect and creativity to solve higher-order business challenges and perform knowledge work. We see a world where every employee will work side by side with Digital Workers, taking the robot out of the human, making them exponentially more productive and far more fulfilled.
- niutrader — 同花顺自动交易系统
- ooo-dev-tools-gui-win — Methods for ooo-dev-tools and LibreOffice that require automatic GUI interaction for windows.
- openadapt — GUI Process Automation with Transformers
- osagent — osagent
- pbixrefresher — Script for refreshing and publishing Power BI workbooks
- PowerBI-refresher-NPP — Script for refreshing and publishing Power BI workbooks
- powerbirefreshmanual — Script for refreshing manual Power BI workbooks
- py-rpautom — Conjunto de utilitários para automação de processos.
- pyanty — Python module for controlling Dolphin browser profiles using Selenium, Pyppeteer, and Playwright. Includes Dolphin API for profile management.
- pybenutils — PyBEN Utilities repository
- PyOfficeRobot — pip install PyOfficeRobot
- pyOpenRPA — First open source RPA platform for business
- pythomate — Automatiza acionamento de fluxos Power Automate.
- pytradecn — a securities client automated trading model based on customized factory pattern design
- pyuiauto — Python UI Automation library, for cross-platform applications, interfacing through the accessibility API
- pywechat127 — A Powerful Windows-PC-Wechat automation Tool
- pywinauto-recorder — Records/Replays GUI actions
- pywinauto-supporter — Pywinauto supporter
- pywxbot — A wechat bot SDK for windows
- qff — qff: quantize finance framework
- quant1x — Quant1X量化交易框架
- robotframework-PyWindowsGuiLibrary — A Robot Framework Library for automating the WINDOWS BASED GUI applications
- rpaframework — A collection of tools and libraries for RPA
- rpapy — RPAPY is a open source easy tool for automating boring stuffs on any screen with robotframework, pyautogui, pywinauto and others.
- RPAwithComputerVision — This is code with package
- sctrader — A utility for China Stock Trade
- sicsoft_dominio — no summary
- synccord — A firefly developer tools for AI integration
- tanager-feeder — Control software for spectroscopy using ASD RS3 and ViewSpec Pro
- vimtk — Python backend for the vimtk plugin
- wecolib — Quantitative trading tools for our economic liberty
- wkyutils — A light weight command line menu that supports Windows, MacOS, and Linux
- worker-automate-hub — Worker Automate HUB é uma aplicação para automatizar rotinas de RPA nos ambientes Argenta.
- wxbot-win — A wechat bot SDK for windows
- yyyutils — A light weight command line menu that supports Windows, MacOS, and Linux