Reverse Dependencies of PyVISA-sim
The following projects have a declared dependency on PyVISA-sim:
- autodidaqt — AutodiDAQt is a simple data acquisition framework. For science.
- boilerdaq — Data acquisition for a nucleate pool boiling experimental apparatus
- dg645-ioc — CAproto-based pure-Python EPICS IOC for the Stanford Research Systems DG645 delay generator.
- easy-scpi — An easy library for controlling SCPI instruments.
- emmi — A Selection of Tools for EPICS Monday-Morning Integrations
- emmi-escpi — EPICS-SCPI Integration Tool
- funzel-ioc — CAproto-based pure-Python EPICS IOC for the Pharos series of laser controllers
- labbench — The `labbench` module provides API tools to support python scripting for laboratory automation.The goal is to simplify the process of developing an experimental procedure into clear, concise, explainable, and reusable code.
- PyMeasure — Scientific measurement library for instruments, experiments, and live-plotting
- pyoctal — Optical chip automated testing library equipped with a wide range of instruments interface.
- PyVISA-proxy — PyVISA remote proxy server and client in order to address "remote" hardware as local
- qcodes — Python-based data acquisition framework developed by the Copenhagen / Delft / Sydney / Microsoft quantum computing consortium
- qcodes-contrib-drivers — User contributed drivers for QCoDeS