Reverse Dependencies of pyusb
The following projects have a declared dependency on pyusb:
- pylumixtether — no summary
- pyluxafor — Python API for the Luxafor Flag
- pymdgilib — Microchip Data Gateway Interface Tools
- pymobiledevice3 — Pure python3 implementation for working with iDevices (iPhone, etc...)
- pymodaq-plugins-stellarnet — Plugin for StellarNet spectrometers
- pyMSO4 — Tektronix MSO4 VISA library
- pynitrokey — Python Library for Nitrokey devices.
- pynitrokey-debug — Python Library for Nitrokey FIDO2 & Nitrokey Start.
- pypicohsm — Pico HSM for Python
- pyposdisplay — Python library to support Point Of Sale displays
- pySiLibUSB — pySiLibUSB - SILAB USB device application programming interface
- pysispm — Library for EnerGenie USB controlled powerstrips
- pystage-apt — A python library for Thorlabs' APT single-channel controllers
- pystages — Motorized stage control library for scientific applications
- pytektronix — A python package for controlling tektronix scopes
- python-can-candle — CAN driver for Geschwister Schneider USB/CAN devices
- python-can-canine — Python-can CANine
- python-dali — Interface to DALI lighting systems
- python-epson-printer — A library to control Epson thermal printers based on ESC/POS language
- python-escpos — Python library to manipulate ESC/POS Printers
- python-luxafor — Python API for Luxafor busylights
- python-printer-command-line — no summary
- python-printer-escpos — Python interface for ESCPOS Printers
- python-recording-tool — Simple recording tool
- pytlu — DAQ for EUDAQ TLU
- pyubertooth — Pure Python Library for Ubertooth
- pyusb-libusb1-backend — Portable pyusb libusb1 backend.
- pyusbio — USB-IO2 control library for Python
- PyVISA-py — Pure Python implementation of a VISA library.
- pywakepsXonbt — A Python library to wakeup PlayStation (ps3, ps4, ps5) on BlueTooth
- pyxcp — Universal Calibration Protocol for Python
- pyzytemp — A library to interface with ZyTemp devices
- qmi — The Quantum Measurement Infrastructure framework
- qmk — A program to help users work with QMK Firmware.
- radexreader — Python library for the RADEX RD1212 and the RADEX ONE Geiger counters.
- radiacode — Library for RadiaCode-101
- raflash — Flash tool for ROM bootloader for Renesas RA MCUs
- reflex_nexus — RE:Flex Nexus - Universal Dance Pad Utilities
- rfcat — the swiss army knife of subGHz
- rgb-control — The script allows you to set the RGB backlight color on A4Tech Bloody keyboards.
- rigol-ds1000z — Python library for interfacing with Rigol DS1000Z series oscilloscopes.
- rvprog — Programming Tool for WCH RISC-V Microcontrollers using WCH-LinkE
- scinstr — Drivers to handle various scientific instruments (DMM, frequency counter, DAQ, VNA...). Include also some cli script.
- sdrewire — Tool to control SDReWire, a modern SD card muxer.
- sdwire — CLI application to interact with Badgerd SDWire Gen2 devices
- sdwirec — Cross platform cli application for Badgerd SDWireC
- seabreeze — Python interface module for Ocean Optics spectrometers. This software is not associated with Ocean Optics. Use it at your own risk.
- seabreeze-opentrons — Python interface module for Ocean Optics spectrometers. This software is not associated with Ocean Optics. Use it at your own risk. Modified by Michael Carter for use with Amassian Research Group Opentrons.
- simpleiot-cli — SimpleIOT command line interface
- snagboot — Generic recovery and reflashing tool for embedded platforms
- snipsmanagercore — The Snips manager core utilities for creating end-to-end assistants
- snipsskillscore — The Snips skills core utilities for creating end-to-end assistants
- snraspi-lib — Convenience utilities for Raspberry Pi
- snweatherstation — Another Raspberry Pi Weatherstation
- socranop — Soundcraft Notepad control utilities
- sol-usb — Torii HDL framework for FPGA-based USB solutions
- solo1 — Python library for SoloKeys.
- soundcraft-utils — Soundcraft Notepad control utilities
- spf-ctrl — send images to Samsung photo frames from python
- spsdk-mcu-link — SPSDK MCU-Link. A debugger probe plugin for SPSDK supporting LPC-Link/MCU-Link from NXP.
- stcgal — STC MCU ISP flash tool
- sunnybeamtool — SMA Sunny Beam Tool
- tapen — Tapen - software for managing label printers
- tc420 — TC420 LED Controller library and command line interface
- tektronixosc — Interface for Tektronix Oscilloscopes.
- tektronixsg — Interface for Tektronix signal generators.
- tinymovr — Tinymovr Studio
- tinyprog — Programmer for FPGA boards using the TinyFPGA USB Bootloader (
- tpds-core — Microchip(SPG) Trust Platform Core
- tpp7 — Un paquetage pour les TP de Physique d'Université Paris-Cité
- treehopper — Treehopper USB boards connect the physical world to your computer, smartphone, or tablet.
- twopilabs-utils-usbtmc — Native generic USB Test and Measurement Class (USBTMC) implementation using PyUSB
- udmx-pyusb — uDMX Interface Library
- ug-gpib — A Python3 pyUSB library for the LQ Electronics Corp. UGPlus USB to GPIB Controller.
- umrx-app-v3 — Communication with COINES firmware for humans
- upydev — Command line tool for MicroPython devices
- USBdev — USBdev is a tool recognition of USB devices
- usbmuxctl — Tool to control an USB-Mux from the command line
- usbreq — A USB library for humans
- valve-gfx-ci.executor.server — Valve GFX CI's executor
- verylittlewire — The Little Wire Python library provides an interface to the Little Wire USB Multi-Tool developed by Ihsan Kehribar.
- vl6180x-multi — Multiple VL6180X time of flight distance sensors on the same I2C bus.
- vocore-screen — Library to control the Vocore Touchscreen
- vs301-util — vs301 utils
- WasatchUSB — USB cameras and devices from Wasatch Photonics
- webfpga — Official WebFPGA Command-line Utility
- weewx — The WeeWX weather software system.
- whad — Wireless protocols hacking framework
- winiel-rfid-sensor — PYPI tutorial package creation written by winiel
- wmr-cba — Python module for controlling West Mountain Radio CBA devices.
- wpcsys — WPC Python driver APIs, the easiest way to Control & Data Acquisition (DAQ)
- xp-pen — no summary
- xtalx — Drivers and tools for the XtalX sensor family.
- yaqd-horiba — yaq daemons for Horiba Jobin Yvon hardware
- yaqd-rgb — yaq daemons for RGB Photonics hardware
- yaqd-seabreeze — yaq daemons for Ocean Optics SeaBreeze spectrometers.
- yaqd-seek — yaq daemons for Seek thermal cameras
- yaqd-thorlabs — yaq daemons for thorlabs hardware
- ypmeteo — Read data from Yocto-Meteo module with pyusb
- yubihsm — Library for communication with a YubiHSM 2 over HTTP or USB.