Reverse Dependencies of pyttsx3
The following projects have a declared dependency on pyttsx3:
- achatbot — An open source chat bot for voice (and multimodal) assistants
- AdonisAI — AdonisAI is python library to build your own AI virtual assistant with natural language processing.
- adua — You can use this to create your own assistant
- AI-Education-Tools — AI Education Tools for Teaching
- AI-Jarvis — AI Jarvis Tools
- ai-logics — Helpful in creating logics of any AI.
- AI-Robot-Tools — AI_Robot_Tools
- aibo — aibo: AI partner that can run offline
- aichat — A AI virtual assistant chatbot
- aichatbot — Python library for building custom AI Chatbot with just one line of code.
- airunner — A Stable Diffusion GUI
- airunner-nexus — Run a socket server for AI models.
- aivirtualassistant — Desktop Assistant which takes commands as speech & convert to text. Speaks the text provided. Wishes the User as per the Hour of the day. It also can send E-Mails.
- ALbedo — A package for pre-trained image classification and context-decider for question-answering chatbots.
- alice-ai — Artificial Intelligence with python
- allie — Biblioteca de inteligência artificial
- Amitava — This package is for learning purpose only.
- angryexception — An exception handler that tells you that you're stupid.
- apollopy — A basic CLI tool which helps you being healthy.
- arithmetics-sdd — This program is designed to develop basic arithmetic skills
- askbob — A customisable, federated, privacy-safe voice assistant deployable on low-power devices.
- ATH — Info:
- audiobook — Listen to your favourite audiobook
- audiomr — Audio for systems
- babypy — A simplified Python library for beginners
- banksys — A system for Login and Sign Up with all the necessary functions such as sign_up() and login() with the support of MySql database
- Beetroot — A General Purpose Utility package for Python 3
- BonggoQuery — A package that helps you perform various operations, especially for building virtual assistants.
- boudy-toolkit — A comprehensive toolkit for GUI applications and system utilities
- bro-listen — Interact with openAI API with voice
- catalight — Photoreactor system automation, data handling, and analysis.
- chat-toolkit — Extensible package for creating machine learning powered chatbots.
- ChelsiAI — ChelsiAI is python library to build your own AI virtual assistant with natural language processing.
- ckrett — a basic ciphering/deciphering tool
- ClointFusion — Python based Automation (RPA) Platform
- cloudpy-org — Cloud data pipeline organization and automation library. Includes AWS framework manager API.
- CommandTaker — Takes command from user and converts text to speech, this module is used for A.I Systems to make system speak and listen
- computerspeak — This Module Helps A User To Use Computer Audio To Make The Computer Speak AnyThing You Want
- control-scnu — The code package for HuaGuang AI Education
- convertfiletovoice2 — convert file to voice
- CorReg — The Concept, the Method, the Power
- Cracker — no summary
- daisy-llm — A toolkit for working and conversing with large language models. Featuring tokenized sentence queueing for TTS.
- DecryptLoginExamples — DecryptLogin-examples: Some crawler examples for DecryptLogin.
- demure-captcha — Simple but customize captcha generator( image + voice )
- deskAssistant — A package to help with making a virtual assistant
- DesktopAssistant — Desktop Assistant which takes commands as speech & convert to text. Speaks the text provided. Wishes the User as per the Hour of the day. It also can send E-Mails.
- Discord-Tools — Simulates Discord User using Selenium(Web-Scraping) Chromium-webdriver
- dost — DOST is a Python based Utility platform as an Open Source project. We strive to liberate humans from mundane, repetitive tasks, giving them more time to use their intellect and creativity to solve higher-order business challenges and perform knowledge work.
- dunkin-ai-assistant — no summary
- DunkinDonut — no summary
- Easy-AI — My Project Dont Touch
- easy-pyttsx3 — This package can convert text to speeh in very easy way...
- EasyCode — Easily write code
- easyplayer — Easyplayer is a python library that encapsulates the complex API of pygame2 to help users build games faster.
- EduardoFerramentas — no summary
- eln — A command-line tool for quick access to web services
- encourage — A command line tool speak beautiful words to you to encourage you
- ester — A voice assistant package similar to Jarvis
- EVE-CLI-ASSISTANT — EVE is a cli tool.
- f1-telemetry — F1 telemetry data collection and visualisation
- FastDub — A Python CLI package for voice over subtitles, with the ability to embed in video, audio ducking, and dynamic voice changer for a single track; auto translating; download and upload to YouTube supports
- flasktts — flasktts
- florestdevinstruments — Личная библиотека Флореста, написанная на Python.
- fridayAI — fridayAI
- gnlib — Command analyzer for pandas first version and it has assistant its will be cool
- goose-talk-to-me — A voice interaction plugin for your goose
- harlsk — basic functions for a simple desktop assistant
- helloai — A Python Library For AI Education
- highyield — Collection of high-yield functions intended to simplify and automate specific tasks.
- hnzhu010503 — A small example package
- hnzhu010504 — A small example package
- hnzhu010506 — A small example package
- hnzhu010507 — A small example package
- how-its-made — Generates how it's made titles
- iago — The package contains your python assistant for Speech Recognition and Text to Speech
- IndianSearchengineSurya — Hi, are you ready for experiencing the first Indian search engine "Surya"? I know it is not that advanced, but it is my first module. Here are all the functions of my search engine: search different search engine results to give you results on one engine, read aloud function for those who want to hear it in English right now, which also looks good.
- IndianSuryaSearchEngine — Hi, are you ready for experiencing the first Indian search engine "Surya"? I know it is not that advanced, but it is my first module. Here are all the functions of my search engine: search different search engine results to give you results on one engine, read aloud function for those who want to hear it in English right now, which also looks good.
- indonesian-ai-assistant — A virtual assistant that recognizes speech and responds in Indonesian.
- jarvis-akul2010 — A library built to make it extremely easy to build a simple voice assistant.
- jarvis-assistant — Jarvis - Voice Personal Assistant
- jarvis-prameya-mohanty — This is a package which can perform amazing tasks.
- jarvis-with-gui — Installs my jarvis code on your system
- JarvisAI — JarvisAI is python library to build your own AI virtual assistant with natural language processing.
- jarviswithgui — Installs my jarvis code on your system
- JeffBrain — Vocal Assisstant
- JenAssistant — A package which can be used for virtual assistants
- jzchatbot — A package that creates advanced AI chatbots
- kagenda — Every morning, I like to get my daily agenda.
- kara — Modular and Fully Customizable Virtual Assistant
- kb-macropy — Keyboard listener and automation script.
- khandytool — khandytool, handy core in testing
- Krish — Meet A new A.I. - Krish
- KS903NaturalIntonationAIVoice-Bate-vr-1 — say's speech NaturalIntonation AI_Sample_Bates_Voice_Base_library for KS903:AI_Sample_Bates_Voice_Base__Versions_1.0.1__
- KS903NaturalIntonationAIVoice-Bate-vr-2 — say's speech NaturalIntonation AI_Sample_Bates_Voice_Base_library for KS903:AI_Sample_Bates_Voice_Base__Versions_2.0.1__
- KS903NaturalIntonationAIVoice-Bate-vr-3 — say's speech NaturalIntonation AI_Sample_Bates_Voice_Base_library for KS903:AI_Sample_Bates_Voice_Base__Versions_3.0.1__
- KS903NaturalIntonationAIVoice-Bate-vr-4 — say's speech NaturalIntonation AI_Sample_Bates_Voice_Base_library for KS903:AI_Sample_Bates_Voice_Base__Versions_4.0.1__
- KS903NaturalIntonationAIVoice-Bate-vr-5 — say's speech NaturalIntonation AI_Sample_Bates_Voice_Base_library for KS903:AI_Sample_Bates_Voice_Base__Versions_5.0.1__
- KS903NaturalIntonationAIVoice-Bate-vr-FinalLAST-librarypackages-datas — say's speech NaturalIntonation AI Voice library for KS903__Bate_vr_FinalLAST_librarypackages_datas__
- KS903NaturalIntonationAIVoice-vr-1 — say's speech NaturalIntonation AI Voice library for KS903 __Versions_1.0.1__