Reverse Dependencies of pytorch-msssim
The following projects have a declared dependency on pytorch-msssim:
- cfm-task-models — CFM - model zoo
- compressai — A PyTorch library and evaluation platform for end-to-end compression research
- dgmr — PyTorch Skillful Nowcasting GAN Implementation
- difference-finder — Find difference between two images using pytorch.
- geowatch — no summary
- metnet — PyTorch MetNet Implementation
- napari-kld — Kernel learning deconvolution (KLD) is a rapid deconvolution algorithm for fluorescence microscopic image, which learns the forward and backward kernels in Richardson-Lucy Deconvolution (KLD) from paired low-/high-resolution images.
- nerfstudio — All-in-one repository for state-of-the-art NeRFs
- niiv — Self-Supervised Neural Implicit Isotropic Volume Reconstruction
- noisebase — Datasets and benchmarks for neural Monte Carlo denoising
- nowcasting-utils — Nowcasting Utilities
- phenotools — A user-friendly tool for breeders to extract organ-level phenotypic traits from UAV imagery.
- pssr — Point-Scanning Super-Resolution 2
- PySciVisToolKit — a simple toolkit for scivis
- radionets — Imaging radio interferometric data with Neural Networks.
- satflow — Satellite Optical Flow
- skillful-nowcasting — PyTorch Skillful Nowcasting GAN Implementation
- torchmetrics — PyTorch native Metrics