Reverse Dependencies of pytorch-lightning
The following projects have a declared dependency on pytorch-lightning:
- pugh-torch — Functions, losses, and module blocks to share between experiments.
- putl — chaos package of utilities; a nod to putllith
- pycave — Traditional Machine Learning Models in PyTorch.
- pyclarity — Tools for the Clarity Challenge
- pycode2seq — Inference and training for multiple languages of code2seq
- pycollector — Visym Collector
- pydoxtools — This library contains a set of tools in order to extract and synthesize structured information from documents
- pyedpiper — Small set of handy tools to compliment your ML pipeline and minimize a boilerplate.
- pyemits — python package for easy manipulation on time series data for quick insight
- pyg-nightly — Graph Neural Network Library for PyTorch
- pykale — Knowledge-aware machine learning from multiple sources in Python
- pykeen — A package for training and evaluating multimodal knowledge graph embeddings
- pylaia — no summary
- pymss — Python package for music source separation.
- pynattas — Pynattas, a powerful open-source Python package that provides a comprehensive set of tools for model building and deployment
- pyoats — Quick and Easy Time Series Outlier Detection
- pyrovelocity — A multivariate RNA Velocity model to estimate future cell states with uncertainty using probabilistic modeling with pyro.
- pytabkit — ML models + benchmark for tabular data classification and regression
- pytorch-adapt — Domain adaptation made easy. Fully featured, modular, and customizable.
- pytorch-adaptive-computation-time — Implements adaptive computation time RNNs in PyTorch, with the same interface as builtin RNNs.
- pytorch-caldera — no summary
- pytorch-cnn-trainer — A simple yet powerful CNN trainer for PyTorch and Lightning.
- pytorch-cortex — A modular architecture for deep learning systems.
- pytorch-damn — Domain Attention Mixing Network: tool for domain adaptation
- pytorch-forecasting-unofficial-hotfix — Forecasting timeseries with PyTorch - dataloaders, normalizers, metrics and models
- pytorch-hyperlight — PyTorch Hyperlight is ML micro-framework built as a thin wrapper around PyTorch-Lightning and Ray Tune frameworks to push the boundaries of simplicity even further.
- pytorch-ie — State-of-the-art Information Extraction in PyTorch
- pytorch-kfp-components — PyTorch Kubeflow Pipeline
- pytorch-lightning-bolts — Deprecated in favor of Lightning Bolts -
- pytorch-lightning-cifar — Common CNN models defined for PyTorch Lightning
- pytorch-lightning-help — Pytorch lightning help
- pytorch-lightning-sam-callback — no summary
- pytorch-lightning-spells — Some useful plugins for PyTorch Lightning.
- pytorch-lightning-template — A thin wrapper for Pytorch Lightning, inspired by Keras API
- pytorch-mjolnir — A catalyst for experiments with lightning.
- pytorch-pqrnn — Pytorch implementation of pQRNN
- pytorch-segmentation-models-trainer — Image segmentation models training of popular architectures.
- pytorch-ssd — Single Shot Multi-Box Detector implementation in PyTorch
- pytorch-stream — Building blocks for Continual Inference Networks in PyTorch
- pytorch-tabular — A standard framework for using Deep Learning for tabular data
- pytorch-yard — PyTorch experiment runner
- pytorchtime — A time series package for PyTorch
- pytouch — A PyTorch library for tactile touch sensing.
- pywritesmooth — Generate or smooth handwriting
- qai-hub-models — Models optimized for export to run on device.
- quadra — Deep Learning experiment orchestration library
- qualia-core — Qualia toolchain Core
- qualia-plugin-snn — Qualia SNN Plugin
- quaterion — Similarity Learning fine-tuning framework
- question-score — library for question evaluation including KDA, Knowledge Dependent Answerability introduced in EMNLP 2022 work.
- quickvision — Computer Vision models and training
- R2CCP — R2CCP Package for Conformal Prediction
- ragcar — RAGCAR: Retrieval-Augmented Generative Companion for Advanced Research
- rai-experiments — Convenience functions and utilities for rai-toolbox tutorials and demonstrations.
- rai-toolbox — PyTorch-centric library for evaluating and enhancing the robustness of AI technologies
- raitracker — Responsible AI Toolbox Tracker
- ratsnlp — tools for Natural Language Processing
- ray-lightning — Ray distributed strategies for Pytorch Lightning.
- raylab — Reinforcement learning algorithms in RLlib and PyTorch.
- recsys — Lightweight pytorch library to build recommender systems.
- recsys-slates-dataset — Recommender Systems Dataset from containing the presented items and whether and what the user clicked on.
- rectools — An easy-to-use Python library for building recommendation systems
- refchecker — RefChecker provides automatic checking pipeline for detecting fine-grained hallucinations generated by Large Language Models.
- renate — Library for Continual Learning for Practitioners
- retrvtme — retrvTME: Bulk RNA-seq Deconvolution with Tumor MicroEnvironment Retrieval retrvTME is a deep learning-powered tool designed to decode bulk RNA-seq data using large-scale single-cell atlases. The tool precisely reconstructs cell-type proportions and cell-type-specific gene expression profiles, with specialized capabilities for resolving intricate tumor microenvironment (TME) biology from bulk transcriptomes.
- ReWord — Reorder word in English sentence to follow correct grammar
- rgpl — This package contains our code for the paper [URL].
- rhizonet — Segmentation pipeline for EcoFAB images
- rich-logger — Table logger using Rich
- ride — Training wheels, side rails, and helicopter parent for your Deep Learning projects using Pytorch
- rnaformer — RNAformer
- robustnessgym — Robustness Gym is an evaluation toolkit for machine learning.
- root-tissue-seg-package — An mlf-core prediction package for root tissue segmentation.
- route-distances — Models for calculating distances between synthesis routes
- rtd-ae — no summary
- rtk-mult-clf — no summary
- rul-adapt — A collection of unsupervised domain adaption approaches for RUL estimation.
- rul-datasets — A collection of datasets for RUL estimation as Lightning Data Modules.
- run-crom — A package for training and testing CROM weights
- sa-app — Sentiment analyzer app
- sagemaker-experiments-logger — PyTorch Lightning Experiment Logger
- saldet — Saliency Detection library (models, loss, utils) with PyTorch
- satellighte — PyTorch Lightning Implementations of Recent Satellite Image Classification !
- sc2-datasets — Library providing PyTorch and PyTorch Lightning API for pre-processed StarCraft II dataset SC2EGSetDataset and other datasets.
- scatterem — scatterem
- scCausalVI — A deep causality-aware model for disentangling treatment effects at single-cell resolution for perturbational scRNA-seq data
- scclip — no summary
- scconfluence — scConfluence is a novel diagonal integration method combining uncoupled autoencoders and Optimal Transport on single-cell data.
- scdataloader — a dataloader for single cell data in lamindb
- scdiffusionX — scDiffusion-X: Diffusion Model for Single-Cell Multiome Data Generation and Analysis
- scHash — scHash package for scRNA-seq data integration
- schnetpack — SchNetPack - Deep Neural Networks for Atomistic Systems
- SciAssist — A toolkit for Scientific Document Processing
- scimilarity — Single cell embedding into latent space and retrieving with kNN.
- scportrait — Computational framework to generate single cell datasets from raw microscopy images.
- scprint — scPRINT is a Large Cell Model for Gene Network Inference, Denoising and more from scRNAseq data
- scroll-renderer — A package for flattening and rendering 3D meshes of segments of the Herculaneum Papyri.
- scshift — scaling deep identifiable models enables zero-shot characterization of single-cell biological states
- scsims — Scalable, Interpretable Deep Learning for Single-Cell RNA-seq Classification
- scyan — Single-cell Cytometry Annotation Network