Reverse Dependencies of pytools
The following projects have a declared dependency on pytools:
- experimaestro — "Experimaestro is a computer science experiment manager"
- gmsh_interop — A parser for GMSH's .msh format
- logpyle — Time series logging for Python
- loo-v2020 — A code generator for array-based code on CPUs and GPUs
- — A code generator for array-based code on CPUs and GPUs
- mango-explorer-v4 — no summary
- MeshPy — Triangular and Tetrahedral Mesh Generator
- modepy — Modes and nodes for high-order methods
- OpenNIR-XPM — OpenNIR: A Complete Neural Ad-Hoc Ranking Pipeline (Experimaestro version)
- ParallelLinear-CraigR8806 — Linear Maths library using pyopencl
- pycuda-gml — Python wrapper for Nvidia CUDA
- pyfr — Flux Reconstruction in Python
- pymbolic — A package for symbolic computation
- pyopencl — Python wrapper for OpenCL
- pyvisfile — Large-scale Visualization Data Storage
- quantumsim — Simulation of quantum circuits under somewhat realistic condititons
- Sentience-CraigR8806 — Machine Learning Library
- SignalProcessor-CraigR8806 — Signal Processing Library
- zensols.dltools — General deep learing utility library