Reverse Dependencies of pythonnet
The following projects have a declared dependency on pythonnet:
- aacommpy — aacommpy - AAComm nuget package wrapper
- acquifer — Utilitary functions when working with image datasets acquired with an ACQUIFER Imaging Machine microscope
- alphaDIA — A novel proteomics search engine for DIA data based on end-to-end transfer learning.
- alpharaw — An open-source Python package to unify raw MS data access and storage.
- am2r-yams — An open source randomizer patcher for AM2R.
- amlengine — Easy access to the .Net implementation of the AML.Engine (
- Andreani-QA-Scanner — SeleniumFramework para ejecución de casos automatizados
- ap525-python — ap python
- apsimNGpy — apsimx next generation package interface
- aquaref — WinForms UI Pack
- arcpyext — Extended functionality for Esri's ArcPy site-package
- autoclr — Automatic loader for pythonnet(coreclr)
- autogui — Records and automates Winform and WPF applications
- backtest-view — An analysis tool for viewing and replaying backtesting results
- bricknil-bleak — Bluetooth Low Energy platform Agnostic Klient
- bsif-webview2 — Microsoft Webview2 for python.
- catalight — Photoreactor system automation, data handling, and analysis.
- catdv-resolve — DaVinci Resolve script/plugin for interfacing with CatDV Web Panel
- cathay-trade — call trade function
- clrmagic — IPython cell magic to use .NET languages
- composapy — ComposableAnalytics csharp binding for python
- comtrade-pysharp — Simple reader for COMTRADE files, using C# underneath to be fast
- conrich — Python client for send order to Concords Securities.
- cothermo-socket — cape-open thermo python package.
- crystalpy-barno — Python integration with crystal report
- csharpy — Tools to use C# + Python mostly from Python.
- data-agent-osisoft-pi — Osisoft PI historian plugin for `data-agent` package
- data-factory-testing-framework — A stand-alone test framework that allows to write unit tests for Data Factory pipelines on Microsoft Fabric and Azure Data Factory.
- deTELpy — Python package of the deTEL translation error detection pipeline from mass-spectrometry data
- dnv-sifio — SifIO is a Python package for reading and writing access of SIF data types to Sesam Interface Files.
- dotnet-stubs — Incomplete, and probably incorrect, stubs for .NET.
- dotnetinteropt — A high-level .NET interop library for Python
- download-pbi-xmla — A package to fetch and save Power BI tables via XMLA endpoint
- dwsimopt — DWSIM automation with python for chemical process simulation optimization
- easyplayer — Easyplayer is a python library that encapsulates the complex API of pygame2 to help users build games faster.
- ephys-link — A Python Socket.IO server that allows any Socket.IO-compliant application to communicate with manipulators used in electrophysiology experiments.
- equipment_cyg — no summary
- etalumacontrol — Library for interacting with Etaluma microscopes and stages
- euromod — Run the microsimulation model EUROMOD. The latest model and software versions of EUROMOD are available at .
- fabryc — Python API for Microsoft Fabric (Semantic Models, Reports...)
- fisher-py — This python module allows to extract data from the RAW-file-format produces by devices from Thermo Fisher Scientific.
- flater — WinForms UI Pack
- flaui-uiautomation-wrapper — Tool to perform UI Automation on Windows desktop applications using an underlying FlaUI wrapper.
- flexlibs — A library for accessing FieldWorks Language Explorer projects
- formulallm — no summary
- gaze-ocr — Library for applying OCR to where the user is looking.
- hardware-station-common-wpf — no summary
- HardwareMonitor — Python import layer for the LibreHardwareMonitorLib assembly.
- HoMoLab — 基于Pywebview的米游社PC客户端实现
- hydroinform — A steady-state stream model and python access to DFS-files
- hyperx — HyperX scripting for Python
- IHC-PMS-Lib-Wrappers — INHECO ODTC/SCILA .Net Library Wrappers
- inovance-tag-cyg — inovance tag communication
- ipywebview — Build GUI for your Python program with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
- ivanov — All sh*t in one place!
- kgiapp — Python client for send order to KGI Securities.
- kpclibpy — KeePass command line application
- ktaga-lab — Drivers and dependencies for the experimental setup and tools for data acquisition and analysis.
- labbench — The `labbench` module provides API tools to support python scripting for laboratory automation.The goal is to simplify the process of developing an experimental procedure into clear, concise, explainable, and reusable code.
- labequipment — A library for control of common lab equipment.
- LECPython — LECPython is a Python component developed in C# that enables seamless communication between Python and PLCs...
- lightcon — A set of APIs to Light Conversion devices
- mapteksdk — Python SDK for MDF-based Maptek products.
- mastapy — A package for integrating scripts with Masta
- mikeio1d — A package that uses the DHI MIKE1D .NET libraries to read res1d and xns11 files.
- mikeplus — A python script package to manipulate MIKE+ database, run simulation by using MIKE+ data, run tools based on MIKE+ data
- mit-cod — Course Outcome Digitizer for MIT, Manipal
- mozartpy — Anaylize for Mozart Data
- mrkwatkins.oakemu — Python wrappers for the OakEmu project.
- ms-deisotope — Access, Deisotope, and Charge Deconvolute Mass Spectra
- mt4pycon — A python script using the mtapi EA on MT4 to get candle data
- naxtopy — Package for postprocessing FEM results in Python
- netk — .NET Package
- nisdc — NI Semiconductor Device Control python Support provides python APIs to develop python test programs and communicate with a device using the setup configuration exported from the Semiconductor Device Control Add-On for InstrumentStudio.
- niveristand — NI VeriStand Python API
- NorconsultPiPythonDevelop — Python Wrapper for PAM-Integrated API (Develop)
- NorconsultPiPythonProduction — Python Wrapper for PAM-Integrated API (Production)
- ntp-manager — no summary
- octane-sdk-wrapper — Python driver for Impinj UHF RFID readers wrapping octane SDK
- opensesame-plugin-Pulse-EVT2 — Send markers through an EVT2 (RUG USB interface)
- orchid-python-api — Defines and implements the Python API for Orchid*. (*Orchid is a mark of Reveal Energy Services, Inc.)
- pandasnet — Extensions of pythonnet package to support pandas DataFrame conversions
- pandasnet-netstandard — Extensions of pythonnet package to support pandas DataFrame conversions
- peptdeep — The AlphaX deep learning framework for Proteomics
- pequenawebview — Build GUI for your Python program with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
- picklenet — pickle-like interface for .NET serialization
- PIconnect — Python connector to OSIsoft PI SDK
- PIdata — An easy-to-use connector for the OSI PI historian
- pikuli — Desktop GUI application tests automation tool.
- plc_simulate — plc 模拟器
- plico-motor-server — motor controller with PLICO
- pralab-phys — Add your description here
- prevalidate — no summary
- pwsh — Provides API for PowerShell.
- pyautolabnova — A python package for interfacing with Metrohm Autolab instruments
- pycalcpad — A package for the binding to Calcpad ( and An awesome free software for mathematical and engineering calculations. This is a pip-installable version of the wrapper included with Calcpad.
- pydrever — Tools that facilitate analysis of dike safety against flooding.
- pyesapi — A customized Python interface to Eclipse Scripting API
- pyhamilton — Python for Hamilton liquid handling robots
- pyldsdk — Python Logix Designer SDK