Reverse Dependencies of python-vagrant
The following projects have a declared dependency on python-vagrant:
- andebox — Ansible Developers Box
- arca — A library for running Python functions (callables) from git repositories in various states of isolation with integrating caching.
- build-magic — A general purpose build/install/deploy tool.
- crab-framework — Cross-platform Agent Benchmark for Multimodal Embodied Language Model Agents.
- cyanide — Celery stress testing and integration test support.
- easysparkcli — Command Line Tool created with the purpose of ease the use of Apache Spark, allowing users to deploy/delete a Spark Cluster and submit batch jobs easily through different options.
- enoslib — A library to build (distributed) systems experiments
- envgen — A Virtual Environment Generator
- hive-builder — Building docker swarm environment
- molecule-plugin-lxd — Molecule LXD Plugin
- molecule-plugins — Molecule Plugins
- molecule-vagrant — Vagrant Molecule Plugin :: run molecule tests using Vagrant
- outrun — Delegate execution of a local command to a remote machine.
- polypuppet — Administration tool for SPBSTU
- presto-docker-devenv — Presto docker developer environment.
- pyvboxcli — PYthon wrapper for VirtualBOX Command-Line Interface