Reverse Dependencies of python-statemachine
The following projects have a declared dependency on python-statemachine:
- agentspype — A framework for building agents that interact with the world
- automatic-spectral-acquisition — Python interface for the automatic data acquisition of spectral data.
- bittensor — bittensor
- commonroad-geometric — Contains basic functionality for facilitating research on graph neural networks for autonomous driving and provides an interface between CommonRoad and Pytorch Geometric.
- ConstellationDAQ — The Autonomous Control and Data Acquisition System for Dynamic Experimental Setups
- desmo-api — no summary
- llegos — Where we explore the future of multi-agent systems
- mathactive — Conversational math active learning.
- monarch-money-amazon-connector — A simple package to automate the annotation of Amazon order transactions within Monarch Money with the purchased items.
- nucypher — A threshold access control application to empower privacy in decentralized systems.
- odoo-driver — Python library to communicates with devices used by Odoo.(Mainly Point of Sale application)Alternative to Iot Box Odoo solution or Pywebdriver community solution.
- PyHades — A python library to develop automation continuous tasks using sync or async concurrent threads
- PyIAC — A python library to develop automation continuous tasks using sync or async concurrent threads
- quilbert — Friendly ai voice assistant
- Rackio — A modern Python Framework for microboard automation and control applications development
- rclone-decrypt — Wrapper around rclone to decrypt files encrypted with rclone
- trainmote-module-felix-nievelstein-de — Application to create a web server to control a model train environment
- trinkgelage — A beer tapping demo.
- vana — no summary
- yapapi — High-level Python API for the New Golem