Reverse Dependencies of python-sat
The following projects have a declared dependency on python-sat:
- bauhaus — Build logical theories for SAT solvers on the fly
- demystify — Demystify is a tool which allows puzzles to be expressed in a high-level constraint programming language and uses MUSes to automatically produce descriptions of steps in the puzzle solving.
- dfa-identify — Python library for identifying (learning) DFAs (automata) from labeled examples.
- dfainductor — A python tool for solving minDFA problem.
- famapy-sat — famapy-sat is a plugin to FaMaPy module
- flamapy-sat — flamapy-sat is a plugin to flamapy module
- los-client — League of Solvers Client CLI
- macq — Action model acquisition from state trace data.
- nnf — Manipulate NNF (Negation Normal Form) logical sentences
- normal-form — A Python package for working with Conjunctive Normal Form (CNFs) and Boolean Satisfiability
- pol-inv — Package for computing polymorphisms in universal algebra
- portmod — A CLI package manager for mods
- procthor — None
- py-aiger-analysis — An extension of py-aiger providing advanced tool support, including SAT and QBF solvers.
- py-aiger-sat — Pythonic interface between AIGs and SAT solvers.
- pygplib — Python First-Order Graph Property Library
- pyomt — An Optimization Modulo Theory Solver.
- pyxai — Explaining Machine Learning Classifiers in Python
- qec-util — Useful tools for QEC simulation
- sudoku-smt-solvers — A collection of SAT and SMT solvers for solving Sudoku puzzles
- surface-sim — Suface code simulations package
- tennis-transcriptome — TENNIS is an evolution-based model to predict unannotated isoforms and refine existing transcriptome annotations
- testomaton — Model based combinatorial test data generator
- theodias — A python implementation of the theory of dialectical structures.
- tqecd — Automatically find detectors in a topologically quantum error corrected computation
- trappist — Minimal Trap Spaces computation using Maximal Siphons
- trisicell — Trisicell - Scalable tumor phylogeny reconstruction and validation from single-cell data
- XpGraph — Explaining Graph-based Classifiers