Reverse Dependencies of python-resize-image
The following projects have a declared dependency on python-resize-image:
- android-asset-generator — A simple android assets generator
- AX3-model-extras — Django app extras for AX3 models
- cushead — CLI that help you to improve the SEO and UX of your websites.
- danbooru-utility — Utility for working with danbooru2018 dataset
- dcspray — DRACOON Sprayer - Branding utility for DRACOON
- ddragon — Host your own ddragon mirror for League of Legends static data and images, relying on dragontail
- deepracer-utils — A set of tools for working with DeepRacer training
- FACILE-RS — FACILE-RS (Findability and Accessibility through Continuous Integration with Less Effort) automates tasks around the archival and long term preservation of software repositories.
- Google-Images-Search — Search for image using Google Custom Search API and resize & crop the image afterwords
- instaresizer — Returns a PIL Image object of instagram compatible aspect ratio when supplied with an image URL or an image object.
- jsw-pillow — Pillow for jsw.
- mapactionpy-arcmap — Used to drive ArcMap
- postcard-creator — A python wrapper around the Rest API of the Swiss Postcard creator
- postcards — A CLI for the Swiss Postcard Creator
- siena_mls — Multimedia Environment for Students
- vripper — A Python implementation of VRipper
- zimscraperlib — Collection of python tools to re-use common code across scrapers