Reverse Dependencies of python-osc
The following projects have a declared dependency on python-osc:
- adm-osc — ADM-OSC client/server Python module for ADM-OSC protocol validation, tests and stress
- aimat — AIMAT: AI Music Artist Toolkit - Simplified AI Music workflows.
- aubio-beat-osc — Simple beat detection outputting to OSC servers
- behringer-mixer — Module to get basic information from Behringer digital mixers eg X32/XAir etc.
- chat-transformer — Bridge that takes incoming IRC messages and converts them to other formats
- cloudbrain — Platform for wearable data analysis.
- cvr-osc-lib — A small library to interface with CVR Melon Loader OSC mod API
- diving-station-py — A Python library for diving station
- DmxOscServer — A Python Lib to create a DMX compatible OSC server with handlers
- duit-osc — OSC communication support for duit datafields.
- easytuio — A Python library for handling TUIO messages
- eegsynth — Converting real-time EEG into sounds, music and visual effects
- eos-midi — Controller to control EOS with Launchpad Mini Mk3 for ENS
- handjoints-osc — real-time hands tracker, sends joints coords over OSC
- iipyper — A Python package for rapid prototyping with MIDI and OSC
- impsy — IMPSY is the Interactive Musical Prediction SYstem, a tool for creative interactive intelligent musical instruments using a recurrent mixture density neural network.
- isobar-ext — A Python library to express and manipulate musical patterns extending the original isobar library.
- katz — no summary
- katzcom — Katz domain communications.
- litoid — 💡Sequence DMX lighting 💡
- maxosc — Call python code from MaxMSP over OSC
- midiscripter — Framework for scripting MIDI, keyboard and Open Sound Control input and output
- motu-osc-bridge — A service to bridge HTTP messages from a MOTU AVB interface's datastore API to an OSC Server, such as TouchOSC.
- mpf — The Mission Pinball Framework (MPF)
- ncrar-audio — Audio tools supporting psiexperiment
- oheye — A library for the Modern Device Oh Eye analog input board for Raspberry Pi.
- om-py — This is a simple package to help musicians to general functions.
- opencortex — Software to stream EEG data, perform preprocessing, and train machine learning models to build real-time BCI applications.
- OpenLPOSCControl — Module to control OpenLP using OSC commands
- osc-kreuz — A tool for routing incoming OSC messages to different renderers for spatial audio
- oscer — A very simple command line OpenSoundControl sender
- oscslip-proxy — An OSC server that proxies between local network and SLIP-encoded OSC over serial
- poetry-demo-kevinkatz — no summary
- python-sonic — Programming Music with Sonic Pi or Supercollider
- python-step-series — A Python library for OSC communication with the Ponoor Step-series devices.
- sc3nb — SuperCollider3 (sc3) for Python and Jupyter notebooks
- scoreplayer-external — Python external for controlling the Decibel ScorePlayer cavas mode
- shell-osc — Run shell commands on receiving OSC messages.
- somax — Somax Library
- srcomp-live — An interposer between the SRComp REST API and OSC controlled devices.
- superdirtpy — superdirtpy is a python library for algorithmic composition working with SuperDirt.
- system-symphony — Explore the sonic world of your computer.
- tcposcrouter — OpenSoundControl message router over TCP
- timeflux — Acquisition and real-time processing of biosignals
- vidhub-control — Control Smart Videohub Devices
- vrc-controller — A wrapper for VR Chat's OSC bindings and audio support
- xair-api — Remote control Behringer X-Air | Midas MR mixers through OSC