Reverse Dependencies of python-multipart
The following projects have a declared dependency on python-multipart:
- fastapi-users-pelicanq — Fork for small edit of original package.
- fastapi-users-with-username — Ready-to-use and customizable users management for FastAPI
- fastapi-yaml — Handle YAML data in FastAPI
- fastapp-framework — Fastapi application boilerplate
- FastGenAPI — A FastAPI-based application for dynamic API generation, Db schema visualization, UML ERD class Diagrams generation and more.
- fastlifeweb — High-level web framework
- fastmvc — Rapid application development built for the cloud.
- fastoauth — no summary
- fastpreprocess — A new way to preprocess data for ML.
- fastshop — fastshop
- fastspeed — Fastspeed is a toolkit for serving LLM.
- fastui — Build better UIs faster.
- fastzdp-upload — 用于 FastAPI 快速实现文件上传下载功能
- fawaris-fastapi — Stellar Anchor implementation using FastAPI
- fbauth — Authentication for Fastberry
- fbc-curation — FBC reference files for SBML model curation.
- fbgradio — Python library for easily interacting with trained machine learning models
- FE-3DGQA — FE-3DGQA Model
- featurebyte — Python Library for FeatureOps
- felafax-cli — CLI tool for interacting with the Felafax platform; fine-tuning and inference on non-NVIDIA chipsets.
- ffun — Backend for the Feeds Fun — web-based news reader
- fhirstarter — An ASGI FHIR API framework built on top of FastAPI and FHIR Resources
- fief-server — Users and authentication management SaaS
- file-download-server — A simple file server
- filesocket — Transferring data between PCs library
- filestore — Storage Engine Package for FastAPI
- FileTAO — Philanthropic storage for the masses. (FileTAO)
- fishnet-cod — Compute-over-Data (CoD) network for time series data on
- flatpack — Ready-to-assemble AI
- flowdapt — A generalized framework for robust modular deployments of large-scale, real-time adaptive modeling on chaotic data.
- fossil-mastodon — A mastodon reader client that uses embeddings to present a consolidated view of my mastodon timeline
- fp-chainlit-ui — A faster way to build chatbot UIs.
- fRAGme — This is a dockerized RAG FastAPI service with vector store handling.
- frappeapi — FrappeAPI, FastAPI for Frappe Framework
- freeq-server — Zero-setup queue with e2e encryption for free in 1 line of code. Server part
- fsapp — Fastapi web-app
- fstorage — Fstorage, Secure file storage, SYNC/ASYNC clients, easy to learn, fast to code.
- Fubuki — Next generation hybrid web framework
- fudster — Fudster - A simple mL library for applications
- fullapp — fullapp TDB
- furiosa-serving — Furiosa serving framework, easy to use inference server.
- fwdi — Solve Flat Web library With Lightweight Dependency injection Container
- g4f — The official gpt4free repository | various collection of powerful language models
- gai-sdk — Refer to for more information
- galaxy-web-apps — Galaxy web apps
- Gao-Anime — AI Head
- gcp_dbt_remote — cli to run dbt commands on GCP Cloud Run Jobs using dbt-server.
- GeneralAgent — General Agent: From LLM to Agent
- geochemistrypi — A highly automated machine learning Python framework dedicating to build up MLOps level 1 software product for data-driven geochemistry discovery
- geotrouvetout — geotrouvetout gives geolocation information from an image
- gesang — A restful api framework with starlette.
- get-test-cases-from-TFS — this Lib is to get the TFS testPlan data, and communicate with TFS API to get the test cases from TFS. Then extract the Testcases as XML file.
- gibson-cli — Gibson Command Line Interface
- glabel — FastAPI-based image classification app for annotation
- glm-py — Python tools for running General Lake Model (GLM) simulations
- globantapi — no summary
- goldretriever — Create and host retrieval plugins for ChatGPT in one click
- gooey-gui — no summary
- gooey-ui — no summary
- goosebit — no summary
- govdata — no summary
- gpt-researcher — GPT Researcher is an autonomous agent designed for comprehensive web research on any task
- gpt-researcher-ian — GPT Researcher is an autonomous agent designed for comprehensive online research on a variety of tasks.
- gptdb — GPT-DB is an experimental open-source project that uses localized GPT large models to interact with your data and environment. With this solution, you can be assured that there is no risk of data leakage, and your data is 100% private and secure.
- gpustack — GPUStack
- gradio — Python library for easily interacting with trained machine learning models
- gradio-frp — Python library for easily interacting with trained machine learning models
- gradio-test-client-pypi — Python library for easily interacting with trained machine learning models
- gradio-test-pypi — Python library for easily interacting with trained machine learning models
- graphfleet — Advanced implementation of GraphRAG for enhanced LLM reasoning
- greatapi — GreatAPI framework, Full stack FastAPI framework.
- greyhorse-web — Greyhorse web utilities library
- griffv2 — DDD Library
- grishjan-slackers — Slack webhooks API served by FastAPI
- gsab — A database-like interface for Google Sheets
- gslackers — Slack webhooks API served by FastAPI
- gts-engine — git_engine development suite: a powerful NLU training system
- halerium-utilities — Halerium utilities is a Python package of utility functions for working on the Halerium platform.
- halfapi — Core to write deep APIs using a module's tree
- hashback — Backup server and client which indexes files and directories by sha256sum to save space.
- hayhooks — Grab and deploy Haystack pipelines
- hibiapi — A program that implements easy-to-use APIs for a variety of commonly used sites
- hius — Minimalistic ASGI web framework
- hotbox — hotbox
- housaku — A personal search engine built on top of SQLite's FTS5.
- httpbinx — HTTP Request & Response Service, written in Python + FastAPI.
- httpSocketGateway — A small socket gateway server. A simple socket client for sending json
- huoguoml — A platform for managing and serving Machine Learning types.
- huoguoml-dev — A platform for managing and serving Machine Learning types.
- hyperlpr3 — vehicle license plate recognition.
- hypha — A serverless application framework for large-scale data management and AI model serving.
- iac-scan-runner — IaC Scan Runner CLI
- image-detection-service — no summary
- imaging-server-kit — Run image processing algorithms in a FastAPI server.
- imghst — A simple and fast image hoster for applications like ShareX.
- imjoy-elfinder — An elfinder connector built with FastAPI, specifically for working with jupyter server proxy.
- impick — ImPick - view and select a single image from a group using the web-GUI
- inductor — The Inductor CLI and client library
- inference — With no prior knowledge of machine learning or device-specific deployment, you can deploy a computer vision model to a range of devices and environments using Roboflow Inference.
- inference-core — With no prior knowledge of machine learning or device-specific deployment, you can deploy a computer vision model to a range of devices and environments using Roboflow Inference.