Reverse Dependencies of python-minifier
The following projects have a declared dependency on python-minifier:
- ai-shell — Filesystem Shell interface that an OpenAI Assitant can use as a tool.
- ascender-framework — The Ascender Framework is a sophisticated and structured FastAPI-based framework, inspired by the principles of NestJS. It stands out for its modular and organized architecture, offering developers a streamlined and efficient way to build web applications
- awsibox — AWS Infrastructure in a Box
- bftools — A brainfuck toolbox for python.
- bge-python-sdk — 可用于调用 BGE 开放平台的相关接口。
- cloudbender — Deploy and maintain infrastructure in automated and trackable manner
- compile-minifier — Python compiler and minifier
- dataplate-lab — DataPlate ML Platform's Jupyter Lab Extension for easy notebook operations
- effectual — A python package/script bundler
- encodify — A module for encoding and encrypting data.
- fmo-core — no summary
- hatch-minify — A hatch build hook python minifier
- mapFolding — Count distinct ways to fold a map (or a strip of stamps)
- micropy-cli — Micropython Project Management Tool with VSCode support, Linting, Intellisense, Dependency Management, and more!
- micropython-stubber — Tooling to create and maintain stubs for MicroPython
- mutenix — Mutenix host software for the Mutenix macropad
- pico-up — Command line tools for developing applications for the Raspberry Pico
- pyencrypt-pye — Encrypt python source code and import module dynamically.
- PyFyre — A fast, declarative, and incrementally adoptable Python web frontend framework for building reactive web user interfaces.
- python-project-minify — A quick way to compile your Python project into it's most compact form. Built on the great python-minify package.
- qibuild — The Meta Build Framework
- split-python4gpt — Python tool designed to reorganize large Python projects into minified files based on a specified token limit. This is particularly useful for processing large Python projects with GPT models, as it allows the models to handle the data in manageable chunks.
- troposphere-dns-certificate — Cloudformation DNS validated certificate resource for troposphere
- webpy-framework — Easy-to-use Python web framework built on top of Flask