Reverse Dependencies of python-markdown-math
The following projects have a declared dependency on python-markdown-math:
- artefacts-cli — no summary
- azure-quantum — Python client for Azure Quantum
- cabrnet — Generic library for prototype-based classifiers
- DeepseekAPI — A Python package for deepseek to call API more easily
- django-rstblog — A Django app to manage a blog driven by articles written using a markup language
- Doorstop — Requirements management using version control.
- doorstoph — Requirements management using version control.
- dxtr — Discrete Exterior Calculus library in Python.
- ezcv — An easy to use personal site generator
- FORD — FORD (FORtran Documenter) is an automatic documentation generator for modern Fortran programs.
- gmt-gerby — flask-based web application for managing a gerby-plastex site
- i-hate-papers — Create easily readable versions of academic papers via OpenAI
- ice-learn — A high-level Deep Learning framework that extends PyTorch and PyCUDA.
- legoman — a tiny static website generator
- Markups — A wrapper around various text markups
- matplotboard — Generate simple HTML dashboards using matplotlib
- mlxtend — Machine Learning Library Extensions
- Munin — A package for easing return of multiple values
- mysgen — My simple static site generator.
- nonebot-plugin-easymarkdown — 格式化markdown语法,并转化为可读性较好的图片
- nonebot-plugin-htmlrender — 通过浏览器渲染图片
- PyARV — Approximate random variables
- pymultiastar — Multi-goal A* with cpp bindings to python
- pysimplewiki — Simple Wiki - это вики движок, отображающий файловую структуру в веб-энциклопедию; поддерживает статьи в форматах .html, .md. Simple Wiki написана на языке python, поддерживает гибкое расширение и стилизацию.
- qoptcraft — A package for the design and study of linear optical quantum systems.
- qubit-approximant — Approximate a function using a single qubit.
- readingbricks — Flask app for reading and searching notes from a personal knowledge base
- resport — resport: Research portfolio site generator.
- riskflow — An XVA quantitative library with AAD
- simplegen — Simple site generator.
- spotGUI — spotgui - GUI for the Sequential Parameter Optimization in Python
- spotPython — spotpython - Sequential Parameter Optimization in Python
- void-terminal — LLM based APIs