Reverse Dependencies of python-louvain
The following projects have a declared dependency on python-louvain:
- acore — A Python package with statistical functions to analyse multimodal molecular data
- APEC — Single cell epigenomic clustering based on accessibility pattern
- big-graph-dataset — A collection of graph datasets in torch_geometric format.
- bio-pyminer — PyMINEr: automated biologic insights from large datasets.
- biocomet — A brief description of the biocomet package
- bioneuralnet — A comprehensive framework for integrating multi-omics data with neural network embeddings.
- Blauwal3 — 蓝鲸,一个基于组件的数据挖掘框架。
- bnlearn — Python package for Causal Discovery by learning the graphical structure of Bayesian networks, parameter learning, inference and sampling methods.
- bunka-superfunctions — some functions often used to do diverse Data Science Projects
- cajal — A library for multi-modal cell morphology analyses using Gromov-Wasserstein (GW) distance.
- cap2 — CAP2
- cdlib — Community Discovery Library
- cityImage — A package for studying urban form and obtaining the computational Image of the City
- clumppling — Clumppling: cluster matching and permutation program with integer linear programming
- CNTools — A package for identifying cellular neighborhoods
- cohesive — Use sentence embeddings to create naturally coherent segments of text akin to paragraphs.
- commot — Cell-cell communications inference for spatial transcriptomics data via optimal transport.
- crim-intervals — CRIM intervals package
- d3graph — Python package to create interactive network based on d3js.
- DeepRank-GNN — Graph Neural network Scoring of protein-protein conformations
- deeprank2 — DeepRank2 is an open-source deep learning framework for data mining of protein-protein interfaces or single-residue missense variants.
- dhlab — Text and image analysis of the digital collection (books, newspapers, periodicals, and images) at the National Library of Norway
- dynetan — A Python implementation for Dynamical Network Analysis.
- emerge-viz — Visualize source code structure and dependencies in an interactive d3 application
- emoatlas — no summary
- Estar — no summary
- evoclusterstream — Evolutionary DBSCAN and Louvain Method with a Twitter data stream
- ExpoSeq — A pacakge which provides various ways to analyze NGS data from phage display campaigns
- featree — no summary
- flexynesis — A deep-learning based multi-omics bulk sequencing data integration suite with a focus on (pre-)clinical endpoint prediction.
- flowmachine — Digestion program for Call Detail Record (CDR) data.
- gilot — a git log visual analyzer
- graph-express — Python package for the analysis and visualization of network graphs.
- graph-measures — A python package for calculating topological graph features on cpu/gpu
- graphomaly — Anomaly detection in graphs modeling financial transactions and computer networks.
- graphpack — A Python tool to perform graph compression and visualization
- GraphRicciCurvature — Compute discrete Ricci curvatures and Ricci flow on NetworkX graphs.
- grnm — A comprehensive tool for gene regulatory network modeling.
- HAQC — A Heuristic Algorithm Framework for Quantum Algorithms
- harvesttext — no summary
- hnet — Graphical Hypergeometric Networks
- IMC — A package for processing and analysis of imaging mass cytometry (IMC) data.
- Kiwiii-server — HTTP API server library for chemical database administration and computation
- kolibri-ml — Deep Learning and more NLP toolkit
- langerhans — Analyzer for the calcium signals of Islets of Langerhans.
- linkpred — linkpred, a Python package for link prediction
- louvainsplit — Efficient graph partitioning using LouvainSplit algorithm
- macroscope — The macroscope command line interface
- MANAclust — Multi Affinity Network Association
- matchms-extras — Additional functionalities to be used with matchms
- matchmsextras — Additional functionalities to be used with matchms
- mdigest — Best practices made easy for analysis of correlated motions from molecular dynamics simulations.
- mediaviz — Visualize Networks With Force Atlas 2 Layout
- metagraph — Graph algorithm solver across multiple hardware backends
- mlprimitives — Pipelines and primitives for machine learning and data science.
- modularity-encoding — A package to group healthcode systems using network analysis modularity
- module-control — A Python package for network analysis including dominating sets and controllability.
- mstdbscan — An algorithm for space-time transmission clustering.
- musicntwrk — music as data, data as music
- nasap — This is nASAP setup file
- neochain — neochain - Network Evolution Observation for Blockchain
- nettracer3d — Scripts for intializing and analyzing networks from segmentations of three dimensional images.
- ng-ai — NebulaGraph AI Suite
- OmicsIntegrator — no summary
- omniplot — To draw scientific plots easily
- opsci-toolbox — a complete toolbox
- Orange3 — Orange, a component-based data mining framework.
- partition-networkx — Adds ensemble clustering (ecg) and graph-aware measures (gam) to networkx.
- phlowerpy — hodge decomposition trajectory
- planktonspace — A point process analysis package
- ppinet — A Python package for biological network generation and analysis.
- pyclics-clustering — clustering algorithms for CLICS networks
- pycoornet — Using Python Given a set of URLs, this packages detects coordinated link sharing behavior on social media and outputs the network of entities that performed such behaviour.
- pylipid — PyLipID - A Python Library For Lipid Interaction Analysis
- pyomo — Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
- pyRDF2Vec — Python implementation and extension of RDF2Vec
- pyscnet — A tool for reconstructing and analyzing gene regulatory network from single-cell RNA-Seq data
- pysqlitekg2vec — Python implementation and extension of RDF2Vec
- pyvipr — Widget to visualize PySB models in Jupyter Notebook
- qbindiff — QBindiff binary diffing tool based on a Network Alignment problem
- QGCN — a qgcn model package
- quoter-model — A package for simulating the quoter model of information flow on networks
- refcliq — Community analysis in bibliographical references
- risk-network — A Python package for biological network analysis
- scDiffusion — scDiffusion(Single-Cell graph neural Diffusion) is a physics-informed graph generative model to do scRNA-seq analysis. scDiffusion investigates cellular dynamics utilizing an attention-based neural network.
- scHiCPTR — An unsupervised pseudotime inference pipeline through dual graph refinement for single cell Hi-C data.
- scikit-multilearn-ng — Scikit-multilearn-ng is the follow up to scikit-multilearn, a BSD-licensed library for multi-label classification that is built on top of the well-known scikit-learn ecosystem.
- social-networks-graph-generator — CLI tool to generate a graph from a hashtag or expression
- SPACEc — SPatial Analysis for CodEX data (SPACEc)
- SpatialFormer — A single-cell foundation model focus on the spatial cell-cell colocalization
- storylinemapper — A library to generate networks of characters and timelines based on text
- stream-topic — A python package for expanded topic modeling and metrics
- Teneto — Temporal network tools
- tribe — An graph extraction tool for email MBox files
- tsia — A Python package for time series analysis through images
- tsm — Twitter Subgraph Manipulator (TSM)
- unpast — A novel method for unsupervised patient stratification.