Reverse Dependencies of python-gnupg
The following projects have a declared dependency on python-gnupg:
- airflow-gpg-plugin — Airflow plugin to work with GPG files.
- aleksis-core — AlekSIS (School Information System) — Core
- ansible-dev-tools — Ansible Developtment Tools kit bundles all tools needed for content creation and testing.
- ansible-sign — Ansible content validation library and CLI
- apigeecli — apigee-cli is an unofficial command-line interface tool designed to simplify the use of the Apigee Edge Management API
- appimage-builder — Recipe based AppImage creation meta-tool
- arkindex-base-worker — Base Worker to easily build Arkindex ML workflows
- arkindex-cli — Arkindex CLI client easy and sexy to use
- asklora-portal — portal to use various api data service
- authenticator-backup — Tool to backup Google Authenticator to a GPG encrypted file
- avendesora — A password generator and account manager.
- avendesora-export — Exports Avendesora accounts to satellite hosts
- aws-tools — Switching between multiple AWS accounts & renewing API access keys
- Backpack-Backup — A tool to sign, encrypt and, backup a file or directory using GPG.
- backupper — Easy and configurable backup tool
- backutil — Python backup utility
- bitcoin-safe — A bitcoin savings wallet for the entire family.
- blocksat-cli — Blockstream Satellite CLI
- briefkasten — a reasonably secure web application for submitting content anonymously
- canonicalwebteam.launchpad — Trigger builds of snaps and ubuntu imagesthrough the launchpad API.
- chrome-pass — Native application for chrome-pass extension
- clickmod-auth — ClickMod authentication module.
- co2dice — Polyvers's lib to derive subproject versions from tags on Git monorepos.
- concopilot — ConCopilot defines standards and common interfaces that would be helpful to make each part of a copilot reusable, replaceable, portable, and flexible.
- confini — Parse, verify and merge all ini files in a single directory
- connection-helper — A collection of helper for sql connections
- cve-bin-tool — CVE Binary Checker Tool
- dac7 — Tooling for DAC7
- dawgie — Data and Algorithm Work-flow Generation, Introspection, and Execution (DAWGIE)
- ddmail-openpgp-encryptor — Program to encrypt incoming emails with OpenPGP for the DDMail project.
- ddmail-openpgp-keyhandler — Web application API to handle OpenPGP keys and keyrings for the ddmail project
- deb-subscription — A tool for to add katello repositories to debian hosts and to register debian host to katello
- debian-rfs-stats — Statistics regarding RFS wait times on Debian.
- deep-piste — Evaluating the impact of IA on Breast Cancer Screening Program
- dephell — Dependency resolution for Python
- depot — Manage package repositories in the cloud.
- django-email-extras — A Django reusable app providing the ability to send PGP encrypted and multipart emails using the Django templating system.
- django-gnupg-mails — A Django reusable app providing the ability to send PGP/MIME signed multipart emails.
- django-secure-mail — A Django reusable app providing the ability to send PGP encrypted and multipart emails using the Django templating system.
- easyGPGTool — A GUI GPG tool application
- ecuth — Public-key signature based authentication and authorization backend
- eduMFA — eduMFA: identity, multifactor authentication (OTP), authorization, audit
- efb-gpg-middleware — GPG middleware for EH Forwarder Bot, encrypts and decrypts messages.
- entweet — Security and verification for Twitter
- envelope — Insert a message and attachments and send e-mail / sign / encrypt contents by a single line.
- envoy.base.utils — "A collection of utils used in Envoy proxy's CI"
- envoy.gpg.identity — "GPG identity util used in Envoy proxy's CI"
- file-checksum-signer — simple creator for signed checksum files
- Flask-GnuPG — Flask extension for work with GnuPG
- git-credential-netconf — no summary
- git-timestamp — GIT Timestamping client for Zeitgitter
- gnome-keyring-gpg-unlock — Auto unlock your default gnome-keyring with a gpg encrypted password
- gpgclient — GPG Wrapper Client for leveraging gpg functionality with gcs
- hardcoded — For everything that you really should not be hardcoding.
- harpo — A GPG-based secret storing/sharing library
- helm-sign — Gnupg based Signature Tool for Helm Charts
- hoba — Yet another secrets management toolkit
- icetrust — A tool for verification of software downloads using checksums and PGP.
- idem-core-functions — no summary
- insights-core — Insights Core is a data collection and analysis framework
- irrd — Internet Routing Registry daemon (IRRd)
- j2rt — Jinja2 rendering tool
- jill — JILL -- Julia Installer for Linux (MacOS, Windows and FreeBSD) -- Light
- kapitan — Generic templated configuration management for Kubernetes, Terraform and other things
- kecpkg-tools — no summary
- krapplet — A password manager written as a gnome-keyring applet
- ledgerblue — Python library to communicate with Ledger devices
- libapt — Interface with Debian APT package repositories.
- lily-env — Lily extension for managing environment variables, their validity etc.
- lime-comb — lime-comb cli
- margaritashotgun — Remote memory aquisition wrapper for LiME
- markipy — MrkPy LIB
- markwrap — Python wrappers around common dependencies
- mayan-edms — Free Open Source Electronic Document Management System
- mtls — A short-lived certificate tool based on the Zero Trust network mode
- mtls-server — A short-lived certificate tool based on the Zero Trust network mode
- multitool — General-purpose command-line interface with plugins support
- networth — Summarize net worth
- nikki — Simple crypted journal for personal use
- notus-scanner — A vulnerability scanner for creating results from local security checks (LSCs)
- nsk-backupr — A backup runner designed to tar up a root directory, optionally encrypt it, and upload to remote storage.
- nyantip — Nyancoin tip bot for Reddit.
- oc-art-to-ftp — Artifactory to FTP
- oc-ftp-upload-worker — Delivery upload worker
- octo-pipeline-backend-gpg-python — gpg backend implementation for octo-pipeline
- onilock — Password Manager CLI
- operator-sdk-manager — A script for managing Operator SDK binaries and installations
- osdk-manager — A script for managing Operator SDK-based operators.
- ospd-openvas — ospd based scanner for openvas
- otpme — OTPme: A flexible One-Time-Password system
- packitos — A set of tools to integrate upstream open source projects into Fedora operating system.
- pass-collaborate — A pass extension that helps collectives manage the access to their passwords
- pass-operator — A Kubernetes operator that syncs and decrypts secrets from pass store git repositories
- pass2csv — Export pass(1), "the standard unix password manager", to CSV
- passbolt — This project is part of the passbolt lab! It is used to illustrate an article or as a conversation starter. Use at your own risks!
- passbolt-python-api — A python client for Passbolt.
- passpy — ZX2C4's pass compatible Python library and cli
- passtodict — Password-Store client library
- password-sanity — Simple, secure, commandline password management
- passx — A Password manager using GNUPG