Reverse Dependencies of python-editor
The following projects have a declared dependency on python-editor:
- alembic-viz — Graph Visualization of Alembic Migrations
- another-jira-cli — A cli tool for JIRA useful for time tracking and bulk ticket creation.
- api-tackle — API Tackle - Simple Python REST API Framework
- aws-bastion-cli — AWS Bastion EC2 Server Stack Generator
- aws-cloud9-cli — AWS Cloud9 Environment Stack Generator
- aws-iam-cli — AWS IAM CloudFormation Stack Generator
- aws-vpc-cli — AWS VPC CloudFormation Stack Generator
- bento-sts — Bento Simple Terminology Server
- biweeklybudget — Responsive Flask/SQLAlchemy personal finance app, specifically for biweekly budgeting.
- blue-krill — Tools and common packages for blueking PaaS platform.
- chalice-mail — SMTP and SES mail integration with AWS Chalice
- cvebase-wiki — cvebase's command line tool for interacting with wiki data
- dosuby — A tool for enumerating subdomains of a parent domain
- dspreview — a simple preview for dsp digital advertising information
- eagle-kaist — Stock Extractor library
- editrest — REST edit: GET + vi + PUT
- flask-restful-helper — A small flask restful framework
- FlaskBB — A classic Forum Software in Python using Flask.
- geli-python-common — Python common libraries package
- generate-systemd-timer — Generate a systemd unit.timer and unit.service pair
- gitsy — Git made easy
- hydrus — Hydra Ecosystem Flagship Server. Deploy REST data for Web 3.0
- igit — Interactive git and more
- infosystem — no summary
- iqradre — no summary
- itay-bardugo-cron-migration — manage your cron jobs with python and a revision system(CLI)
- jira-issue — Quickly create jira issues from the command line
- jjsystem — no summary
- junior — A full stack web framework, powered by Flask.
- lspace — ebook manager built around isbnlib
- mango-cli — Mangosoft CLI
- mangowg — A portfolio website generator
- marketo-monkey — CLI tool to facilitate Marketo integration
- midaxusers — Midax Users API
- nbt2yaml — Read and write Minecraft NBT files using Yaml.
- nebula-flute — nebula graph database toolkit python version
- nem-py — High-level wrapper for working with cryptocurrencies of the NEM ecosystem
- notionsci — Collection of scientific app/tool syncs for Notion
- olympix-test-generator — Used to auto-generate unit tests for smart contracts using the Forge framework.
- ou-tm351-py — Python package installation for OU module TM351
- owega — A command-line interface for conversing with AI APIs (OpenAI, anthropic, ...)
- pipet — Open SQL
- Pit2ya — Ergonomic continuation of Toggl time entries
- pnow — A restful client library, designed to access predictnow restful API.
- polzybackend — Open source Insurance Policy Life Cycle Management
- ppeservice — Personal website generator(could be any website or small services generator)
- predictnow-api — A restful client library, designed to access predictnow restful API.
- pulumi-select — dynamically select urns to apply from a pulumi preview
- punctuation-stylometry — This package represents the code used for the publication of the article
- pyfw — python framework
- scsims — Scalable, Interpretable Deep Learning for Single-Cell RNA-seq Classification
- snippy-cli — A CLI tool for managing code snippets
- st2client — Python client library and CLI for the StackStorm (st2) event-driven automation platform.
- st2client-gcx — Python client library and CLI for the StackStorm (st2) event-driven automation platform.
- standup-notes — This is small tool for managing daily standup notes and getting them ready to be copy/pasted into another platform (i.e. virtual standup in Mattermost)
- stars-omics — A spatial transcriptomics analysis tool.
- testgailbot002 — GailBot API
- testgailbotapi — GailBot Test API
- testgailbotapi001 — GailBot Test API
- tiangolo-temp-alembic — A database migration tool for SQLAlchemy.
- tokenROI — Quick ROI calculator for your token balances base on prices
- tokyo-lineage — Tokyo Lineage
- translator-deepl — Traslate a .SRT file using any custom translator
- viggocore — no summary